The Spy

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I made it home, and saw a girl I thought was familiar, but couldn't quite place her. She looked at me, then at my mom, and seemed puzzled. My mom looked at her and practically screamed
- Well? Was it my daughter at the hotel or not?
The girl looked at me, then at the ground.
- I don't know, ma'am.
- You don't know?
She marched towards me with malice in her eyes, then grabbed my arm and forced me to stand in front of the girl.
- Look at her. Is it her or not?
At that moment, I realized who the girl was. The housekeeper from the hotel. My mom must have paid her to spy on me. I had no idea how she realized that Ken was in Canada to begin with, but maybe she had spies all over the place. Who could tell at this point?
I looked at the poor girl who got dragged into the mess I call everyday life, and spoke softly as I put my hand on her shoulder.
- You know it wasn't me, but you don't feel courageous enough to say it, am I right?
The girl looked at me, and I saw fear in her eyes.
- You can go.
I said, and she left quickly without a word.
- Why did you let her go? You are hiding something.
My mom spun me around and started screaming at me instead. What she didn't know was that this time, I won't hold back. I shrugged her hands off of me, and looked her in the eyes.
- Are you insane, mother? Do you know that this poor girl can press charges?
Then I walked closer, lowering my voice.
- Is this how low you're willing to go to prove your own daughter is a bad person? Spying? Bribing? Threatening? You're truly a monster, and I'm so glad I got thay scholarship.
My mom was dumbfounded for a second, but before she could regain her composure, I had already made it to the door.
- What scholarship? Where do you think you're going?
I walked out.

We owe it all to Camilla.

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