No Beef About It

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  Frank was harder to convince. He called Augustus more of telling him off. "Listen here you weird sick son of a bitch. Sending me your homemade porno. I don't know what kind of fetish you have buddy, but you are messing with the wrong Texan! Now, how in the fuck did you get my mailing address?"
  After a heated back and forth. Well, Frank fuming and rambling and Augustus calming the flames, he seemed to touch upon something that disarmed Frank.
  "Frank," Augustus sighed. "I can't make you believe. You are a man of power. But, also so am I. I have contributed my machines to your business for years. Why would I risk such a good partnership over a silly prank?"
  "I don't know!," Frank yelled in the phone. "You'd be sure stupid to even try to fuck that up!"
  "Exactly," Augustus breathed. "Frank, just take the trip to Germany. You get a break from your ranch and get some you time. Is that so bad?"
  "What do you have in Germany that I can't get here?"
  "Women Frank," Augustus whispered. "I can get you a different women everyday of the week you are here. As many as you want. All big breasted German women who go crazy over American men. Especially rich ranch tycoons such as yourself."
  This seemed to shut Frank up for a second. "How do I know you're not pulling my leg."
  "Gertrude babe?," Augustus said. "Come speak with my friend Frank. Tell him what you'll do."
  "Hello Frank," Gertrude purred into the phone.
  "Hello ma'm," Frank said politely.
  "Here's what I'll do Frankie. If you come and see me, I'll play with your cock. And ride you and suck you and make you cum harder than you ever have. How does that sound big boy?"
  Frank dropped the phone a moment and was stunned. His face turned as red as a tomato and he took a puff of his inhaler. With a shaking hand he picked it up.
  "Well gosh ma'm. You sure got a mouth on you."
  "And I know how to use it. See you soon Frankie boy."
  Augustus grabbed the phone. "Well Frank that was just one girl. Imagine twelve more like her."
  "Alright you crazy German bastard. You convinced me. When's my flight?"

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