Full Party

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Caroline stared out of the limousine window, wondering what was taking so long.
"The big retard said there was another person," she muttered to Thomas.
  "Ma'm I wish you wouldn't talk about him like that. We don't even know him."
  "And I don't know you," she spat. "But, here we are in Germany in some random limousine with someone who can only speak three fucking words! I knew this was a bad idea. I should have just stayed home and ignored the fucking video."
  "You got a video too?," Thomas asked.
  "Are you as dense as Conrad?," Caroline laughed. "Of course I got a video. That's why we are all here! To reclaim our youth and be beautiful and sexy again. But, instead we are being chauffeured by Lurch! Oh great, here he comes and with some butterball too."
  Thomas didn't say much to Caroline on the private jet ride. When he called Augustus shortly after watching the video, he was pretty much under the impression it would just be him going to Germany. In fact, he thought the whole trip was orchestrated just for him. He could feel Caroline felt the same about herself and was furious that there were others involved. He couldn't say he blamed her. It did seem kind of shady not to inform them of other lucky participants.
  Conrad opened the door and Frank gave an old country sigh before sliding in. Caroline edged all the way to the opposite end of the limo and shot daggers at Frank.
  "Hello," Thomas said extending his hand. I'm Thomas Stafford of Stafford Industries."
  "How do you do partner?," Frank said extending his sausage fingered paw. "Frank Sanders the third. Owner of the best meats this side of Texas. Sanders Meats is the name and cattle is our game."
"Oh for the love of God," Caroline muttered.
Frank turned toward her. "And who would you be little lassie?"
"Caroline," she said curtly.
"Ok, Caroline," Frank said. "What is it that you do?"
"Oh me," Caroline said smirking. "I milk cows for a living."
Frank looked at her a moment and Thomas shot them both a nervous look. Frank immediately began busting a gut, slapping his knee. He laughed so hard that tears welled up in his eyes. Caroline looked at him utterly confused.
"That's some funny shit!," Frank howled. "I like a girl with some spunk!"
Thomas began to smirk and a few chuckles escaped his lips. Caroline shot him a sharp look.
"Well, come on Caroline. It's pretty funny."

They drove through the back country and all three of them took in the the splendor of the hillsides. For about an hour no one said a word as they looked at the mountain ranges and gorgeous terrain that only Europe had to offer. Caroline had visited Europe many times in her life, too many to count, but this trip felt different. This has nothing to do with fashion and instead was supposed to be about just her. She looked out the window and a rare smile spread across her cheeks.
Frank began talking about how he could move his ranching business globally after seeing all the greenery and Thomas commented on how he would like to buy a villa out in the countryside to escape to. "Maybe I will do just that," he said excitedly. "I'll contact my realtor when we get to our destination."
"Yeah," Caroline piped in. "Speaking of destination, where the hell is this place?"
The mechanical sliding window went down as Conrad's grey eyes peered at at them all through his rearview mirror.
"Castle ahead. Boss lives there. Conrad lives there."
"Oh they must be lovers," Caroline mocked as she threw back her head and cackled. Conrad gave her one long stare before rolling up the window.
"He's gonna kill you," Thomas whispered to her.
"I'm too wealthy to kill darling."
"Overpaid cow," Frank muttered.
"What was that?," Caroline hissed.
"I said overdue chow. It's been a minute since I had something to eat! Hopefully we can dine when we get there."
Caroline went to retort, but gasped as the limousine pulled into view of a sprawling Victorian castle. As they drove closer, the larger it became and overshadowed the entire surrounding area.
"Well fuck," Frank said. "I take back what I said. Maybe this ain't no scam."
"No shit," Thomas said as he took in the view.
Augustus stood in the top tower window and watched below as the limousine rounded the curves and corners of the courtyard.
"Showtime", he said rubbing his hands together.

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