The Barrel

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As soon as the door opened the group stared into a dark room with no lights except for one single spotlight over a rather large and ordinary looking brown barrel. It was situated in the center of the room. Augustus lead them forward and they all gathered around the barrel. Thomas peeked in and saw his reflection in a pure black liquid.
"What is it?," Thomas asked curiously.
"It is the elixir to life," Augustus said a hand over his mouth. "From this moment on you will all start a new chapter in your life. The book will be rewritten. Conrad, help Caroline please."
Conrad picked Caroline up as she screamed and tried her best to hit him. "Let me down you stupid oaf!!! Help! Help me! Oh Lord someone help me!"
Augustus stepped forward. "Calm down Caroline. You are the first to go which is an honor. Conrad, remove her clothing."
"What?," Caroline said incredulously.
Conrad began to remove her pants and shirt as she bit and clawed at him, but nothing seemed to affect him as the elderly woman used all her strength to try to fight. Her olive spotted body was wrinkled and layered with stretch marks and scars.
Frank looked away. "My God."
Thomas covered his eyes. Caroline was stripped of her bra and panties and she finally admitted defeat as she laid motionless as Conrad carried her decrepit body over to the barrel.
Tears flowed down her cheeks. "I'm sorry sir Conrad. Please have mercy on me. Please sir."
Conrad started at her a moment and then dropped her.
  "You retarded monster!," she shrieked as she fell into the barrel with a light splash.
  "Caroline!," Thomas screamed as he ran forward.
  Augustus put out his hand and stopped him. "Just wait my friend. Shhhhhh, just wait."
  The liquid in the barrel began to boil. Smoke began drifting from its top and pouring over the sides. The group watched in horror, but Augustus just continued to smile.
  And then suddenly without warning, a figure emerged from the barrel. With long flowing blonde hair and skin as fair as porcelain. The eyes opened and they were crystal blue with gorgeous long lashes. The figure had perky round breasts and a toned stomach that could be in any modeling magazine. The figure stepped out of the barrel and long slender legs led up to a perfectly trimmed bush of pubic hair.
  Frank felt his penis becoming stiff and licked his lips lightly. "Oh baby....I hope she is for me."
  Thomas dived forward. "Caroline! We have to save Caroline!"
  Augusts chuckled softly. "This is Caroline."
  Thomas stopped in his tracks and looked at the nude angel in front of him. "Caroline is that you?"
  Instead of a crony hoarse voice that Caroline usually had from years of smoking and drinking, this voice was soft and innocent like. "I think it is."
  Caroline gave herself a look over and gasped. "I'm...I'm absolutely beautiful."
Tears welled up in her eyes. Augustus unveiled a long mirror and Conrad rolled it over to her, where she examined every part of her body, even bending over and stretching her asshole to look.
  "No wrinkles, no scars, no olive spots, no stretch marks, no anything!," she exclaimed as she ran to Augustus and hopped onto him.
  Augustus caught her and they spun in a circle.
  "Fuck me," she said staring deep into Augustus eyes. "Fuck me right here. Now, in front of everyone."
  Augustus unbuckled his pants and unleashed a throbbing cock that sprung upward. Caroline got to her knees and began devouring him, licking every inch of his shaft and sucking on the tip of his cock.
  Augustus slapped her and she smiled as he bent her over the barrel and shoved his cock up her ass. Caroline screamed in delight as he thrust harder and harder, her breasts jiggling against the wall of the barrel.
  Thomas stood dumbfounded, jaw wide.
  "I can't believe I'm seeing this," he said turning to Frank. "Frank; do you believe this?"
  Except, Frank was full attention as he was watching Caroline and Augustus and he was stroking his pathetic little member. Sweat was pouring over his forehead as his hand moved faster. "That's right fuck her good. Fuck that slut good."
  "Good Lord," Thomas said. "Has everyone lost their minds?"

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