New Journey

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Caroline stood outside her home with her two luggage bags towering just a foot above her. She wore her mink stole coat and matching cap, to offset the bitter November morning. She looked at her petite Rolex on her left wrist and read the time as 9:00.
"Never late huh?," Caroline huffed as she looked down the street.
Suddenly, out of nowhere a long black limousine pulled up right in front of Caroline making her jump back. She grasped her chest. "Damn you! You almost gave me a heart attack!"
The driver door opened and a giant of a man wiggled his way out. He wore a drivers cap that looked like a child's cap on his head and his suit was a little tight on his massive frame.
"My goodness," Caroline said eyeing him. "Are you by chance related to Andre the Giant?"
The man looked at her puzzled and then grabbed her bags, picking them up as if they were pieces of styrofoam. It had taken two of Caroline's house team to even drag them to the curb.
"You must be Conrad," Caroline said extending her hand. "I'm Caroline Hughmount."
Conrad turned to her and stuck out his meat of a paw completely swallowing her hand and up to her forearm.
"Conrad I am," the man said in a guttural tone. "Conrad take you to boss."
"Oh lord Jesus he's disabled," Caroline thought to herself.
  Conrad opened the back limo door and ushered Caroline in. It was roomy and filled with decadent chocolate and bottles of wine. Caroline picked up a small note that was left on the seat.

  "Frau Hughmount,
Please enjoy the treats. Conrad isn't much for conversation, but he is loyal. I will see you soon.

  Caroline gave a chuckle and tossed the card aside while easing herself in the warm black leather seats

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  Caroline gave a chuckle and tossed the card aside while easing herself in the warm black leather seats. She picked up a chocolate and unwrapped it, examining it before popping it into her mouth. "Raspberry," she said swirling her tongue around.
Conrad squeezed himself back into the front and lowered the blacked out window separating himself from her.
  "Airport we go," he grunted.
  "Ok Tarzan," Caroline whispered as she popped open a bottle of Chardonnay and popped another chocolate into her mouth. That one was vanilla custard flavored.

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