Fight or Fight

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Frank landed on an ice pick as it penetrated through his lower back. Conrad rushed towards the sound of the scream. Frank watched as the behemoth barreled towards him and in a reflex, grabbed the nearest item which was a butter knife. He held it out in front of him and closed his eyes. Conrad jumped on him, the knife sinking into his gut.
Frank opened his eyes as Conrad was arched back over him, feeling around for the butter knife. Frank rolled out from underneath him and looked over the array of instruments that were meant for the babies. He saw one and grabbed it, knowing it was perfect.
Conrad found the knife. "Puny knife won't hurt Conrad!," he said pulling it out.
"Yeah, but this will," Frank said as the sound of a chainsaw roared to life.
"Shit," Conrad muttered.
Frank ran towards Conrad with the gas powered saw. Just then, Gertrude jumped on him.
"Why don't you just die bitch!," Frank screamed as he pushed the saw back towards her. It nicked the top of her arm, pulling up skin and blood. Gertrude clawed his face, her acrylic nails digging in deep, several popping off as they dug in his cheeks.
Frank finally got a good angle and sliced Gertrude, her arm falling off with a wet plump to the ground. She immediately fell off of him in shock and writhed on the floor in pain, her empty pit spraying blood across the room.
Conrad felt around and slipped in the blood and fell backwards on his back. The whole room seemed to shake as his massive frame hit the concrete. Frank took the opportunity to swing the chainsaw straight into Conrad's gut.
"This is what you get you big fucking freak!!!"
The chainsaw slid across Conrad's stomach like butter, his intestines unrolling out in a steaming hot pile. Caroline grabbed the ice pick and jumped on Conrad's chest as she stabbed it over and over again. It was like a grisly game of Operation as Caroline and Frank dismembered Conrad chunk by chunk.

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