Unkown Territory

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Frank stood in the main terminal at Hamburg Airport and popped his back. His trip from Kansas to New York was quite short as he watched a Woody Harrelson comedy and read the weekly paper. From New York to Hamburg was his long haul and he tried to sleep for most of it, but tweaked his back. The person next to him had sleep apnea and snored so loud that even his noise cancelling headphones didn't help.
"Maybe I should have taken that private jet?," Frank muttered to himself as he walked over to the Starbucks to get a black coffee.
When Augustus brought up the private jet, he told Augustus he didn't need no fancy schmanzy ride. That if he was gonna fly, it was on his own terms. Plus, he'd read about Epstein's private jet excursions and if Augustus turned out to be like him, well then no way did he need it getting out that he was on his jet. No, it was better to keep it commercial and keep it low profile.
Frank grabbed his coffee and said,"Dankeschiwm or whatever, just thanks," to the barista and walked over to the exit doors where a large giant of a man was standing holding a petite sign that said Sanders III.
  "Oh for fuck sake," Frank said as he walked up to the giant and waved his hands. "Don't be advertising that shit. I'm dressed in overalls and a cowboy hat! Obviously I'm the guy you're looking for."
  "We go now," the giant said.
  "Ok buddy," Frank replied. "But, can I get a name at least?"
  "Me Conrad. Me drive you to mein fuhrer."
  Frank rolled his eyes. "Ok, great, so this has to be a sham. You got King Kong escorting me. Well, fuck it. I'm this far, I might as well see what little prank this is. But, I'm warning you big guy, I always keep my pistol close."
  Frank patted his hip holster and winked at Conrad. Conrad just stared at him blankly and turned.
  "This way Frank," he growled as passerby's took double takes at an obese cowboy and a giant walk side by side out the doors of the airport.

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