22. Changes

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Yoongi returns to the small cabin after his walk. It cleared his mind a bit, he knew he has been an asshole towards Seokjin these past few days, heck he has been an ass for weeks now and if Namjoon is telling the truth then he needs to step up. He knocks on the door before Hoseok opens it with a curious look towards him. Of course, he knew him so well.

"Yoongi hyung, are you okay now after your walk?" the carrier hesitantly asked.

"Yes, thanks for asking. I have been rude towards your brother these days. Sorry, Hoba." He mutters in shame. He has been so self-centered, that he has thrown all the pain and hate towards Seokjin without thinking. That makes him so uneasy.

"I think that apology should be said towards somebody else hyung. I know you, I can understand what you're going through right now but please understand that my brother has no clue. You just got together, he doesn't know your mood swings or the way you do things. Please try to communicate with him, have more patience with him." Hoseok opens the door wider to let him in.

As Yoongi stepped inside he saw Seokjin munching on food catered to them by Namjoon's staff.


Seokjin looked up at him and nodded his head.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, I just went for a walk."

"It's alright... We are just starting to eat." Seokjin weakly said, startled by the fact that Yoongi seemed to be acting polite towards him all of a sudden.

Yoongi sat beside his carrier and looked at Namjoon who was looking back at them with raised eyebrows.

"Shut up." He hisses towards the taller man who puts up a finger towards him.

"Hey, we're in front of food you fools. Stop fighting." Hoseok yelled at them before grabbing a plate and starting to eat. Thank God for the family guards, Namjoon just called them and they bring food, lots of it.

"We're not fighting." Namjoon simply said as he grabbed a drink.

"You are also here, it means you will be going through that test too." Namjoon started.

"Yeah I heard, but I already know it's just some voodoo stuff. One of the shamans will probably perform a ritual to test our bonds." Yoongi casually said.

"What... What ritual will it be? I can't handle too much stress now." Seokjin exclaimed, worried about what was going to happen.

Namjoon quickly looked at his ex-fiancee with a glint in his eyes. He will be a perfect addition to his plans b,c, and d's. They can use Seokjin's pregnancy to delay the ritual or something, and if Seokjin agrees to cause havoc then this whole thing might get called off for good. A child's addition to a clan is a huge blessing, he is sure the elders will be so happy they will put these whole string of fates thing under the rug.

"If you're planning something, leave it. Don't use him." Yoongi said with a frown.

"What... I didn't say anything."

"It's written all over your face Kim."

"Don't fight, anyway my brother and I are curious about this test or ritual. Will it require me to use my brain? Because I'm not fond of overusing it, you know my motto in life is THINK LESS FEEL BETTER." Hoseok said while imitating a relaxing Yoga pose.

Seokjin snorted into his food and shook his head fondly at his brother. He's always the sunshine, always making things feel light and easy.

Namjoon looked at his carrier in shock mouth wide open, as this information was another thing to hide from the elders as those aged geezers wanted a smart one as his partner in life. Yoongi just laughed fondly at the younger one while laughing loudly at Namjoon's expression.

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