6 : Surprised

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Namjoon drags his feet forward and rolled his eyes at his fiancee. Yes, they are at peace for now and decided that they need to go on with the marriage and prepare for their life after the marriage.

Hoseok keeps on looking back at him with an evil glint on his eyes. There's a reason why Yoongi never comes with him on his shaving day.

"Welcome, Mr. Kim and Mr.?" One of the staff looks at Namjoon who coughs awkwardly.

"Kim Namjoon."

"Mr. and Mr. Kim..what can we do for you?"

"I'm scheduled for my ALL OVER today and he...he comes with me." Hoseok smiled at the staff who looks at Namjoon before nodding her head.

"He doesn't look like he's used to going into this kind of place."

"There's always time for FIRST TIMES dear."

"Oh well, if you're both sure, come inside the preparing room, Mr. and Mr. Kim."

Hoseok excitedly pulled Namjoon in holding tightly to the taller man's hands. This time he will have his revenge without the taller man realizing it.

The staff leads them into the room.

"Please take off all your clothes and put some robe on, a relaxing massage will be given before the procedure begins."

Hoseok nods his head.

"Alright, thank you."

"Please walk through the door right at the far left side of the room once you are both finished."

Namjoon smirks at that statement.

"You have a nice find here Hoseok, very professional staff and reliable as well. They explained everything so that the customer will feel at ease."

Hoseok looks at Namjoon in disgust.

"We are here to relax and here you are still talking about business. Come on now, let's start." Hoseok started to take his shirt off when Namjoon coughs awkwardly.


"I think it's inappropriate for me to view your body as...hey. Oh hell..." Namjoon groans out loud as Hoseok quickly takes off his shirt and flaunts his tiddies at him.

"What...is it your first time to see a naked man Namjooniee?!"

"Fuck.." Namjoon turns around so he can't see those lighter colored nipples. Shaking his head at his fiancee's audacity, the smaller man clearly doesn't know his own appeal.

"I don't take you as a prude Mr. Kim, you already shoved your tongue down my throat and here you are talking about propriety." Hoseok grinned as he takes his pants off, at ease now that the taller man is not looking.

"I was drunk alright...and I've been abstaining since your brother throw me away just like that. So please don't tempt me..." Namjoon groans.

He takes on the bathrobes and turns around to find Hoseok wearing his robes loosely, showing his bare shoulders and flawless throat.

"I am not tempting you Namjoonie..no I don't." The smaller man huskily said as he walks out of the room.

Namjoon just stands there like a gaping fish and sweating like he's in pain.

No wonder Yoongi has been hooked into him, the little minx is all fire and storm. Hoseok can make anyone his if he set his mind into it.

"Why the heck am I here..." He mutters to himself, praying for more patience and self-control.

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