23. Strings

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Hoseok continues to look and observe Namjoon, the man is still talking but it seems as if his mind has blocked all sounds. He is here to admire the taller man's handsome profile as he speaks.

He must admit that Namjoon's initial treatment of him hurt him to the core. Imagine holding a torch over someone and that someone dousing all the fire in one go. He felt small and unwanted, he felt humiliated every time Namjoon talked to him before. He held it all in. Feel the pain until it hurts no more.

Oh, how his heart wanted what his sweet words are telling now. How wonderful would it be if he could love the man with all his heart and be loved in return? But he is a survivor, he is very cautious and guarded. He knew every sweet word and kind gesture hid an ulterior motive. He gets that all the time with Seokjin's mother, his stepmother who clearly wanted him gone since he was dumped by his biological mother in the mansion.

And so, for a little while he knew it was smarter to hold on to himself. Lift his walls a little bit higher and protect himself from pain.

"The ceremony or ritual later... Will it mess things up for us?" He quietly asked.

"Yoongi and I think so... That is why, if the worst comes to worst...and something happened, another switch up might come up I need you to stay with me." Namjoon exasperated at his carrier who clearly has not been listening to him at all.

"Why would I stay with you..."

Namjoon looked at Hoseok, shocked at the question. Why would he suddenly bring this up? Does this mean that the smaller man wanted to be with Yoongi instead of him? Does his instinct fail him this time and make him believe that Hoseok is indeed in love with him?

"What do you mean Hoba... Are you telling me you wanted to be with Yoongi instead?" Namjoon's voice suddenly sounds higher and louder than before.

"No, I'm not saying that, why do you always assume it is all because of Yoongi? What if I wanted to be with someone else instead? Or better... I wanted to remain single instead?" Hoseok patiently replied knowing another fight would start by now.

Namjoon walks closer to him and pats him on the head.

"You do know that carriers need to be taken or claimed before a certain age right? And failure to do so will result in government intervention and you wouldn't like that." Namjoon explained.

The government will force single carriers to mate with whoever is available in their providers' list. They don't care about compatibility at all, they just want those carriers to be mated off as soon as possible.

"That wouldn't happened at all, you actually assumed I only have you guys as my romantic interest?" Hoseok nervously laughs as he lies through his teeth.

The taller man crossed his arms and looked down at him with sudden coldness in his eyes.

"I know for sure that you are still pure, it's all in the records." Namjoon insisted. If Hoseok has a relationship with other people then it means he might have a physical relationship with them too, but his carrier's record also says he is still a virgin. That doesn't add up at all.

"I can have relationships and not do that at all..." Hoseok said with a small pout.

Namjoon stayed silent and looked down on him. Staring into his soul.

"I mean, I am always in Jackson's parties and that man threw one every other day before I got supposedly hitched. They stopped now only because they're still in their mourning month... That's what Youngjae told me anyway." The smaller man bites his lower lip in an attempt to stop himself from laughing as he remembers Youngjae's cute face as he explains the reason behind the mourning month.

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