Little Yasu. • Post comics

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Naturally, The villagers looked at Garmadon in awe and surprise, it was always like they had seen him for the very first time with every glance and stare they directed at the lord, as if they couldn't believe he was real even as time went on. But today was he was different.

The bear garudian, Kuma, had just been gifted a grandchild, a small bear was resting between a fairly sizeable bear's arms, and above them all was the mighty
Kuma herself, watching down on the mother and her new born.

Several meters away stood Bron, Lan, Shu, Min, and Lord Garmadon himself. They all stared at the baby. Garmadon's gaze seemed the most intense, this made Kuma feel upset for she didn't want an oni's gaze plaguing her newest family member in such a way.

"It's so cute!" The young girl, Min, whisper-yelled, cleary happy to be seeing such a small bear for the first time and also being rather close to the tiny thing.

Kuma nearly smiled. She did, after all, have nothing against the child and so let her voice sound soft when addressing the young, a warmth welcomed.
"Yes, young one, it is. Most cubs are."

Min beamed up at the titanic bear above them, happy with the response and the softness of her tone. The mother bear looked up at the villagers, her large, scarred huspand, and the biggest child of kuma, came to her side; he towered over them all but not to the extensive degree of his own mother. These displays of power and strength went unnoticed by a certain member of the party, the very member it was directed at.

Garmadon took no warning,  and crouched down to see the cub in better detail; playgrd by curiosity and a biting interes. "So very small. How is that so?" He asked quietly, staring at the child a little to interrogatingly, his knuckles pressed on the ground and  back arched forward, on his knees the Dark Lord burdened the cub with his stare, just as Kuma had begrudgingly thought he would.

Unlike how she did for Min, Kuma spoke clearly and harshly, not caring for Garmadon in the slightest, not sparring him from her hate. "Yes. It is. I suppose that strikes you as unusual." She snarled down at him, to which Garmadon glared up at her before retuning his gaze to the tiny bear.

The cub opened his eyes and blinked sleepily, it's big eyes starting up at its mother before noticing the demon staring at it. Garmadon raised a brow at the tiny creature who cocked its head at the oni, both staring at each other in curiosity.

"So how old is it? Clearly very young." Lan, the hunter, asked, her voice breaking the silence in an awkward attempt to ease the tension.

Kuma never took her eyes from Garmadon and the cub, neither did the cubs parents. "A year or so, only now he is allowed to interact with other bears." She said, tone still not as soft as it was with Min but certainly kinder than when she spoke to Garmadon.

The cub leaned forward in his mother's arms, nose sniffing at Garmadon who also leaned forward (albeit, very faintly) his eyes narrowing at the baby animal.

Garmadon wished to inspect the small creature, curiosity ruling his mind, but as he tilted his head, the cubs mother growled at him, warning him off.

Foolishly, and impulsively, Garmadon growled back at the mother, exciting a roar from her, the father preparing to stop his partner.

Taking notice of the growling from her heir's mother, Kuma opened her mouth to speak. "Garmadon, Control yourself. That is my heir and his only mother.. I do not wish to have to defend them from any harm." Kuma threatened in a quick breath.

Looking up surly, Garmadon stopped his growling and stared, his fang still peeking out his mouth over his lips. 'Heir' he thought. 'This tiny thing?' It was evident he didn't suspect a tiny cub could grow to match Kuma's might, but he needn't say anything about such thoughts.

With a hissing intake of breath, Garmadon stood up and trudged away, a needy cry catching his guard and drawing his ears to the sound. The cries we coupled with Min cooing over the cub as it attempted to wiggle its way out of its mother's grasp and towards the oni.

Turning to see the display, Garmadon hummed in amusement, the faint chuckled suddenly being replaced with suprise when it continued to try and reach him..

Suprise turned to worry as the oni feared he had just made some irreversible pact with the animal.. "fuck" He mumbled beneath his breath as he looked up to see Kuma's reaction.

Kuma herself seemed particularly unbothered, only mildly annoyed by her heir's liking of the lord. "Now that certainly is less than desirable..." She sighed, her breath causing the tips of trees to sway gently above them.

Garmadon pulled back and readjusted his hat before attempting to leave again, cringing at the desperate sound. Quickly, the oni walked away with a gliding step, his tail dragging behind him. Said tail suddenly was grabbed and clawed at by what was presumably the cub, making him yelp in alarm stroke pain.

The demon turned around and looked down at the small creature as it had managed to successfully grab his tail in a tight, painful grip: it's claws digging into the skin of the long and heavy limb.
The dark lord hissed irritation as he fought off the need to kick the cub off, desperately trying to avoid such a reaction in fear of irritating Kuma.

"Can someone please get this little thing off me.." He snarled through gritted teeth, his jaw tense with unammusment and barely stifled anger.

The villagers just smiled nervously and Min shook her head with a grin. "He likes you, Garmadon! That's so sweet!" She smiled sweetly, her rosey face bright with an innocent joy.

With a huffing sigh and frustrated growl, Garmadon raised his tail to grab the cub who's jaw remained tightly clamped around his limb.. gently, the oni pried the little creature off his tail, held the cub at arms length before trudging back to the mother bear.

"Please, take him back." He sighed, forced the cub in the large arms of its mother's, immediately making the smaller thing cuddle up in her paws.

Garmadon very quickly created distance between him and the bear family, recoiling from the group as the villagers came back to the oni's side. Min happily cling to his leg, looking up at kuma. "What's their name?" She asked patiently.

"His name... hm, why don't you chose, little one.." kuma nearly smiled at the young girl so close to Garmadon.

Min's eyes lit up and she nearly squealed in anticipation. "How about... Kabu?" She asked, hoping for approval from the titanic guardian.

Kuma nodded "Young yasu.. perfect."

Garmadon looked back at the newly named Yasu. Yasu meaning peace or quiet.. he had alot to learn about life, let alone a cub. Maybe little Yasu would be a key to appreciating life or creation.. maybe, just maybe..

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