Chapter 3

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"It's a B-day," Lilac reminded me. "Do you want to go to school? We have P.E today."

"Yeah, I'm already healed. It's not a big deal," I replied. "Plus, I want to see Tucker. I have a huge crush on him."

"That's pretty obvious," Lilac said, rolling her eyes. "Also, I get you're healed, but your mom just died!"

"I know she did, but I wasn't like I was that close with her. She treated me like shit, and she let her husband treat me like shit," I said, trying to hold back my anger.

"What the fuck?" Lilac said, worried. "Your hair is on fire." 

Lilac pov 

"At least we finally know why her hair smells like fire" said Clover from our mind-link.

Back to Rose's pov

"Don't try to prank me by saying my hair's on fire. It's not going to work; you're just saying that because I'm a ginger," I said, angrily.

"Rose, I promise I'm not joking. Your hair is on fire," Lilac said, holding a mirror in front of me.

"Oh shit, my hair really is on fire. How did that happen? I wasn't near anything flammable," I said, curious.

"Probably the same way I can do this," said Lilac, growing a perfect daisy in the palm of her hand.

"How did you do that" I asked concerned.

"It doesn't matter; we've gotta get to school" Lilac said while looking anywhere other than at me.

"Should we even go to school today if when my temperature gets flared I catch on fire?" I said anxiously.

Lilac hesitated for a moment. "We can figure it out together, Rose. I'll help you not get too angry with people, and you can try to figure out how to channel your powers for good."

I nodded, appreciating Lilac's support in me "Yeah, that sounds like a plan. Let's go to school so I can you know not fail choir or P.E. I still find it unfair that they put choir then P.E. in my schedule." I said my hair flaming a little more. 

"I know it seems unfair but on the bright side you could use running around the track as time to work on your breath control?" said Lilac helpfully. 

"You're right that could be helpful in the future but it also sucks with my asthma. Although lately I haven't been having as many problems with my asthma." I said thoughtfully with the fire on hair dying out.

"You have asthma?" Questioned Lilac. 

"Yeah, why is that so concerning?" I asked back.

"I don't know; you just don't seem like the type of person to have asthma," Lilac responded with a shrug.

When we reached school, we went straight to our homeroom with Tucker.

"Good morning, Tucker," I greeted him cheerfully.

"Good morning, Rose. You seem very happy today," Tucker replied tiredly.

"Ahem! I'm here too," Lilac interjected, directing her words towards me.

"Good morning, Lilac. You look like you've been through hell," Tucker observed.

"Do you seriously expect me to say good morning to you? I'm currently living with you," I pointedly said with a serious expression.

"Wait, you're living together?" Tucker questioned. "Are you siblings or dating?"

"Neither!" I shouted, while Lilac simultaneously said, "Dating!"

"What the heck Lilac?" I said trying not to get angry enough for my hair to catch on fire.

"I'm sorry; I just wanted to mess with you," Lilac apologized. Then towards Tucker she said, "Rose is in a tough spot so she's living with me for a little bit."

"My mom passed away and my Dad is out of the picture, I'd rather not switch schools so I'm just living with Lilac for now until I can get a job and fine my own place" I explained quietly. 

Tucker's expression softened into almost pity, "I'm really sorry to hear about your mom, Rose. That sounds tough."

"Thanks, Tucker. It's been a challenging time," I replied, "but weren't close or anything, I know we probably should've been knowing she gave birth to me but she wasn't a very great person when it came to me, she was always fine with my siblings let them do what they wanted most the time but then she started becoming strict and my siblings ran away so she tightened the reigns with me not letting me do anything other than chores. You don't have to be sorry for me I'm fine."

"You can't just be fine it doesn't matter how bad of a person they are if someone in your family passes away you're going to wish you had the chance to make things up with them eventually and you are going to have to grieve even if you don't want to right now" countered Lilac. 

I became silent starting to overthink.

"You know she isn't entirely wrong" came the voice from the back of my mind "but worse things could've happened if you would have stayed so it's a good thing you left before things got too bad. It's ok to accept pity a little you deserve people who care the don't just feel sorry for you."

'I feel like they do though and i hate it' I think back.

"Well-" the bell cut off whatever the voice was going to say next. 

"Time for me to go to choir" I said to Lilac and Tucker "my only class without either of you." 

As I was walking to choir the voice kept reassuring me that everything was going to be ok.

Choir was peaceful it gave me a much needed distraction from everything going on in my life and I got the voice part I wanted: a soprano. 

In P.E. I met back up with Tucker and Lilac.

"Rose?" said Tucker softly "I know you're going through a tough time right now but you can lean on me and Lilac."

"I know I can lean on you two but I feel like too much of a burden" I say starting our first lap around the track. 

"You aren't a burden Rose, if you were you wouldn't be living with me and I wouldn't enjoy being around you 24/7" said Lilac softly.

"I guess you're right" I said uncertainly. 

'What do you think, is she lying?' I ask the voice in my mind.

The voice stayed quiet almost as if thinking.

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