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Hi dudes and dudettes! It's the first book of the year and I hope you enjoy this one.

I just wanna make a disclaimer: I DONT CONDONE CHEATING.

What I write is not a reflection of my views...I would definitely be a horrible person if that was the case

Anyway, lemme stop yapping. Enjoy this book, just so y'all know you can read up to chapter ten on Patreon.

Basically early access to everything I write on Patreon so join babes, become apart of the community. 🤭


Ps: what should our community be called?

"Have you ever been to a place like this?" Charlie asked and I gave her a look.

I shook my head, rolling my eyes. "No, Charlie, I haven't," I said as the girl dragged me into the booming club on a Saturday night. "I'm kind of... regretting my decision–"

"Um, no," Charlie shook her head. "Diara you need to be young and full of life and maybe potentially cheat on your–"

"Charlie!" I scolded.

She shrugged. "You knew since day one of our friendship that I was rooting for the downfall of your marriage and the rise of your love life to actual men."

I sighed, ordering a drink at the bar. "That will probably never happen," I giggled at the thought. Where would I even go?

Charlie rolled his eyes and sighed. "Fine, I'm going to dance, like the twenty-four year, sexy, young bitch that I am."

I laughed, ignoring her bullshit as I sipped on a cosmopolitan. The drink was actually kinda good so I downed the thing. I could see why some people were addicted. It was amazing.

I watched Charlie for a while until she got too drunk to stand, and then she came over and dragged me somewhere.

"Charlie, where are we going?" I panicked a little bit, being the goody-two-shoes that I was.

"To the VIP area. Luke has VIP access." Charlie slurred.

"C–Charlie?" The bouncers didn't bat an eye at Charlie as we walked in. The VIP area was much better obviously. We could barely hear the blaring music on the other side and the music here was much more civil and more sexier for the strippers to dance to.

The men here were also more dangerous. They all look dangerous, smoking, and discussing. S–some of these people looked powerful like they were making deals here.

Charlie and I sat down and we served better drinks, but I drank little to not get home drunk. "This place is very nice, I wonder how Luke got–" Charlie got up again and I gasped, trying to pull her back down. "Charlie, you're drunk, please sit down," I manhandled her to the chair and she whined.

"Ughh, Diiiiarrraaa. Get drunk and let loose. Stop acting like a nun." Charlie flew back onto the chair and I sighed.

"I think it might be time to..." I trailed off, my eyes catching another's eyes.

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