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Good morning people! I hope you're having a great day

enjoy this chapter for me

and remember you can read up to chapter 16 on patreon


But, also, enjoy on here 💚 

Levi didn't look like the children type, in fact, he was shocked. I cleared my throat. "I–I think I should go," I whispered.

"Give me your number,"

I blinked multiple times. "Excuse me? B–but, I'm married."

Levi took out a cigarette. "To a man you clearly do not love and trapped because you think it's best for your child."

I gaped for a second. "You don't know me, Levi, you don't know anything. I'm a married woman and you should find a woman who is single without a child so she can give you all the attention you so desire." I turned around and walked away.

I felt bad for being so rude and then I felt bad for being too nice. He was in my business. I got defensive because it was true and I was scared. My husband's family is a powerful one.

I tapped Flynn on the shoulder, pulling him away from a conversation. "Giles is tired, I think we should–"

"I told you not to bring that child here!" He hissed at me.

"That child? Flynn this is your son, why do you–" I scoffed, backing down. "I'll take a taxi home."

Flynn nodded. "You see how easy that was? Why do you always mess things up?"

I bit my lip and nodded. "Yeah, I'm sorry," I turned around to go and look for Charlie, but she was nowhere to be found. I checked my phone and saw that she had texted me a while ago, looking for me and telling me she was leaving because Azara was asleep.

I sighed, putting Giles on his feet as whined. "I'm sorry, baby," I said while looking for taxis. "We'll be hom–"

Giles started crying, obviously frustrated and sleepy.

"Giles, please just–it's ok, we'll be home–" I was frantic because his sobs were getting louder, so I resumed carrying him. "Um–" I gasped when a taxi passed by.

I didn't know how to catch a taxi, I've only seen it being done in movies. "Giles, you need to let–"

"Diara?" I facepalmed when I realized Levi was walking toward me, cigarette burning at his mouth. He looked so hot.

Hell is hot.

And so is Levi.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

I frowned. "Trying to go home," I confessed. "But, I–uh, can't catch a taxi."

"A taxi?" Levi furrowed his brows. "Is that how you came?"

I shook my head. "N–no," I looked away for a second. "Um, I'll leave you to–"

"I'll drive you home." he took his cigarette out and stepped on it. "Come on," he offered to carry Giles and I frowned at first, but then nodded. I was grateful for this. I don't think there was ever a day, besides the day Giles was born, that Flynn held him.

Levi's car was a sleek black Range Rover, it was clean and huge, and it was also custom-made, he made the insides brown leather. "I don't have a car seat,"

I smiled a bit. "I knew it–but it's fine," I sighed. "It's not like the taxi I was gonna ride had a car seat."

Levi quietly nodded, strapping a sleeping Giles inside the backseat. "He looks a lot like you. He's cute."

I giggled, shaking my head. "A lot of people say he looks like Flynn, but I'll take it. Thank you." Levi chuckled at my obvious happiness at my son's resemblance to me, reaching for the passenger door. "What...oh!"

He was...opening the door for me.

"Your husband never opened the door for you?" He said it like he knew what my answer was going to be.

I shook my head and got in. "Thank you, Levi." He nodded and closed my door.

I gave him my address and he began driving. At first, it was quiet, I was closing my eyes until Levi put a hand on my thigh.

"L—Levi?" I whispered.

"We've been here for a while," he said.

"Oh," I said, looking at the house before sighing. "I guess I'm tired." I raised my hand to open the door when Levi stopped me and got out of the car to open my door and help me out. "Thank you so–" I gasped when he held onto my ass. "Y–"

"I don't know what it is, Diara," he stroked my cheek. "I'm not going to let you go, you realize that right?"

"You're crazy," My breath hitched. "Levi, I have a child, I–I'm not even–even if I was single, you realize that I have a child. You don't need me."

Levi smirked. "Who said single mothers can't be in relationships?"

"I–" I sighed, closing my eyes.

"All you care about is that boy. How can you ever be in a relationship if you can't just forget about him?"

Flynn was gaslighting me and I was eating up. Believing it.

"You–my child comes first," I whispered, expecting him to pull away, but he didn't.

Levi licked his lips. "I understand." He pulled me closer and kissed me and once again, I let him.

I'm cheating. I'm cheating. Oh god, I'm f-ing cheating.

When Levi pulled away, he handed me his phone and I typed in my phone number. "There you go," I bit my lip. "I...I'm gonna go now."

"I'll drop you off." He said.

"It's ok, you don't have to–"

"Who will carry the little boy back with you?" He asked, teasing.

I laughed out loud. "Thank you," I said when Levi put Giles on his shoulder.

"Momma, tell him my name's Giles," Giles whispered toward me. Levi chuckled as I smiled.

"I know your name."

Giles lifted his head off Levi's shoulder. "Say it!"

My eyes widened. "Giles!" I scolded. "I thought you were sleeping."

"Not anymore, I just like when Mister carries me–" Giles said before pausing. "I know your name is Levi, but Mommy says I should be polite even when daddy isn't so I have to call you Mr. Levi."

"Alright, that's enough," I took Giles away from Levi. "Thank you so much, Levi,"

Levi smirked. "I'll see you later. Bye, Giles."

I giggled as Giles clapped for him before closing the door. "You're smiling, momma."

My smile grew a lot wider. "I know." I bit my lip.

"You should like him more than daddy. I'll keep it a secret." Giles locked his lips and threw the key away.

I laughed.

I think I'm excited...for the first time in years...I'm excited. 

i hope you enjoyed

see you next Sunday

and maybe join the patreeon community 😉 

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