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Hey guys, welcome back, I'm glad you came back ❤️ 

anyways, enjoy, as always there are more chapters  (1-12) on Patreon feel free to join (or not)



"Y–yes, Giles?" I said as I rushed out of the bar, fixing up my hair as I got into my car.

Giles sniffling. "Daddy said he'll be back in five minutes after you left, but he's not and I'm scared mommy. I don't like being home by myself."

I put my head on the wheel before rage-punching it. "Oh...ok, baby I'm coming. Don't open the door for anyone."

"Ok, Mommy, bye."

"Bye, baby." I hung up the phone and started my car immediately. I needed to get home. I sped home, praying I wouldn't get a ticket on the way home. I can't believe how stupid I was in this dumb club.

Charlie is going to get me into so much trouble.

I practically flew out of the car after parking, realizing that Flynn's car wasn't there. "Shit," I hurriedly opened the door. "Giles?!" I yelled, walking inside. All the lights were off, of course, Giles would be scared.

"Momma!" He flew down the stairs and into my arms, crying. "Mommy, I'm scared. Shadows are everywhere." He sobbed.

It was either mommy or momma with him. God, I love him so much

I hugged him tightly, carrying him as I turned on some lights. "It's ok, baby. It's ok. I'll have a talk with your father." I sighed, taking him to bed. "It's so late Giles, are you not tired?"

He nodded. "Uhuh, but I was waiting for you momma."

I chuckled, climbing upstairs and into the bathroom. "Did you have a nice birthday, love?"

Giles nodded as I took his shirt off and replaced it with some pajamas. "Yes, Mommy, I like p–playing with the legos."

I giggled, putting his pants on. "I'm glad." I carried him to his bedroom and kissed his head. "I promise this will never happen again," I tucked him into his bed before I heard the front door open. I knew it was Flynn.

"Can you promise to have another baby?" Giles asked, yawning.

I laughed out loud. "Goodness, no," I shook my head. Another baby with my husband? I suffered so much. I can't do it again.

Giles pouted but was too tired to try and convince me to have another child. He was probably as lonely as I was and wanted someone to play with. Teachers have complained to me about Giles refusing to play at recess and working alone in class. He tells me he's too scared and would rather be alone, would rather come home and play with a sibling.

I sighed, kissing his cheek once more before closing his door and walking down the stairs to meet with my husband.

"Flynn," I said, leaning on the doorway with my arms crossed, frowning.

Flynn sighed, turning around. He was obviously a little drunk as he was stumbling a bit. "What do you fucking want?"

I scoffed. "Don't speak to me like that."

Flynn chuckled. "You know you like that kind of talk." he cleared his throat when he realized I wasn't amused. "I forgot it was your birthday," he chuckled. "Happy birthday, baby." He suddenly leaned on me. "Let's go upstairs and celebrate your birthday–"

"Flynn, you left our six-year-old son in the house, in the dark, by himself. How dare you?"

Flynn waved me over. "Giles is practically a grown man."

I glared at him. "He is a child!" I raised my voice. "A six-year-old boy."

Flynn sighed, rolling his eyes. "I was gone for a short while. I had to run a quick errand."

I laughed in disbelief. "What a bald-faced lie. You always downplay your actions, but you left our child alone, Flynn! And he was crying by himself in this house, scared!"

Flynn shrugged. "It wasn't a big deal. He's six; he can handle being alone for a while."

I shook my head, getting angrier by the minute. I couldn't believe such words were uttered from his mouth. "What if something happened while you were gone? What if there was an accident?!" I shouted.

Flynn gritted his teeth. "Nothing happened, Diara. I'm a responsible man and father."

I laughed. "Really?" I walked closer. "Today's also Giles' birthday. What did you get him?!"

Flynn groaned. "Jesus, Diara, you're overreacting. I've done it before, and nothing bad ever happened."

I felt tears in my eyes, I didn't know. How many times did Flynn leave Giles to fend for himself? Fuck. "That doesn't make it right! Leaving our six-year-old alone is irresponsible and dangerous!" I shouted.

"You're being too fucking emotional. I can't believe you're blowing this out of proportion." Flynn shook his head.

I gaped in shock. "I'm not overreacting! I'm concerned about our son's safety. You're in the wrong and you know it!"

Flynn gave me a side-eye. "Yeah? Well, go wear some fucking contacts, your eyes are creeping me out. How can I listen to anything you're saying when all I see are your creepy ass eyes? It's not my fault."

That immediately shut me up, making me scoff. That always stung. Our arguments always ended up with him saying something about my eyes, something that hurt me. "You're such a jerk to me."

Flynn rolled his eyes. "There you go being sensitive again. I wanted to take you upstairs and fuck you for your birthday, but you decide to argue with me. Do you see what you do to yourself? To us?"

I wiped my tears, walking away from Flynn. I didn't want to deal with him right now. He called after me, but I ignored him, walking into our room and entering the lavish bathroom. I made myself a bubble bath and sat in it for a while, wondering where it all went wrong.

I laughed as I cried, slowly drinking the red wine I had never dared touch before. Today was different. I almost cheated on Flynn, I had really negative thoughts, I raised my voice, drank alcohol, everything I had refrained from. Not to mention I don't know how many times Flynn left our son home alone.

I was stressed and angry.

I got out of the tub and went into the room to lotion and get some clothes. By this time, Flynn was also in the room. I didn't want to talk to him so I tried to go into the walk-in closet, but he grabbed my arm.

"You really about to ignore me over a common mistake?" Flynn asked.

I scoffed. "Not a common mistake, Flynn, no one in their right–"

"Diara," he slipped his hands around my waist. "Come on, forgive me." His touch was...well, there was nothing. I felt nothing.

"You can't do something–"

"Just let me fuck you, Diara. Let me apologize the way I know how to."

I knew I couldn't stop him. I felt trapped, he was going to tell his mother, and my mother and I couldn't have that. "Use your condoms, please."

Flynn grinned. "Of course,"

I sighed, allowing him to rip off my towel and push me onto the bed. Even if he decides not to wear a condom, I have plan b pills ready. 

Sorry for the chapters chapters, just let me cook, ok

I hope you enjoyed, I'll see you next Saturday!


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