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Hi guyss

sorry this was supposed to come out at 12am but I forgot to schedule

don't forget you can always read 10-11 more chapters ahead on Patreon


"Flynn, w–why would you do that," my voice wavered as I paced around our room. "Do I not have sex with you?"

Flynn sighed. "I didn't mean for her to slap you. Calm down, you're an adult."

"Ok, why don't I slap you so you know how I feel right now? You told my mom I'm not satisfying you. How dare you? All y–you want is sex, you don't care about your son, you don't care about me, you don't even care how you hurt me during sex."

Flynn glared. "Diara, shut up, do you know what time it is?"

I shook my head. "Yeah, it's time for a divorce, I can't do this with you anymore."

Flynn laughed. "Who will want you? Where will you go? How will you take care of Giles? You're utterly useless–"

"I have a job, Flynn." I said, unwavering.

"One you'll find you'll lose after the finalization of the divorce." Flynn chuckled, his threat clear and bold.

"I can't," I shook my head, snatching my pillow and walking out of the room. I was going to sleep in the guest bedroom. I plopped down onto the bedroom, my face wet with tears and my chest tightened with pain.

I always end up in pain.

I bit my lip, sighing as I thought about the one person who might ruin my life. The one person who might make me feel better. I felt bad because I wasn't thinking about Charlie. I was thinking about Levi.

F it.

I put the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

I smiled a bit. "Hey, Levi," my voice wavered a bit and I cursed myself for not being strong enough.

"What's wrong, tenshi?" Levi asked. He always sounded so calm and soothing. I loved that about him.

I sighed. "My mother can be cruel sometimes. I'm just a little sensitive to words."

Levi hummed, he obviously didn't believe me. "Tenshi, are you lying to me?"

"I–I–no–yes." I sniffled. "She slapped me because I was tired of Flynn. I–it's nothing she's a strict authoritarian, you know?"

"No, I don't know." Levi said. "Next time she does this you hit her back."

I laughed, shaking my head. "Oh, Levi, please, she's my mother. How could I hit my mom?"

"By raising your hand and slamming it down on her face when she does that shit to you again."

"It's ok, Levi, I'm fine." I reassured him. "I just wanted someone to talk to,"

"Where are you?" He asked.

"I'm in the guest bedroom. Flynn and I also had a fight and he didn't make me feel any better. I'm just...tired. I can't escape this marriage."

"Yes, you can."

"I will lose my job. Flynn's family is powerful, they'll make sure I'll never get another job again–and before you say anything about helping me out, there is no telling whether or not we'll stay a couple. We're not even a couple right now, I just like you."

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