Chapter 16: Marry me?

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In a secluded grove embraced by the ancient branches of towering trees, Cathedral found herself drawn to the call of nature's dance. The dappled sunlight filtered through the lush canopy, creating a kaleidoscope of light and shadow on the forest floor. The air, tinged with the fragrance of blooming flowers and the earthy musk of moss-covered bark, carried the promise of enchantment.

With each step, Cathedral felt the soft carpet of fallen leaves beneath her feet, a natural stage inviting her to partake in the woodland symphony. The trees, standing like silent witnesses to the ages, seemed to sway in rhythm with the unseen melodies that played in her heart.

Her movements began with a gentle sway, an echo of the wind that whispered through the leaves above. Cathedral's arms, like branches reaching for the sky, gracefully traced arcs in the air. The rustling leaves harmonized with the soft percussion of her footfalls, creating a tranquil melody that resonated through the verdant cathedral.

As she twirled, the fabric of her flowing dress mimicked the petals caught in a playful breeze. Cathedral closed her eyes, allowing the forest to guide her steps. The sunlight filtered through the gaps in the foliage, casting ethereal beams that seemed to dance along with her.

The forest responded to Cathedral's presence, the rustling leaves and the twittering of birds forming an improvised orchestration. It was as if the very essence of the woodland had joined her in a celestial waltz, celebrating the symbiotic dance between nature and the human spirit.

In this arboreal sanctuary, Cathedral's dance became an expression of gratitude—an acknowledgment of the beauty that surrounded her. The trees, like ancient partners in this ethereal ballet, stood as sentinels of serenity. The dance was not just a physical expression but a communion with the soul of the forest, a language spoken in the shared heartbeat of leaves and footsteps.

The sunlight, filtering through the swaying branches, played upon Cathedral's features, illuminating the joy that radiated from her. As she moved, her laughter joined the natural chorus, a melody that echoed among the tree trunks.

And so, in the heart of the wooded cathedral, Cathedral's dance became a celebration—an intimate connection with the rhythm of the earth, a dialogue written in the language of leaves and whispered secrets. The woodland, transformed into a stage, witnessed a dance that transcended the boundaries between the human spirit and the ancient embrace of nature.

"Cathedral!" Scott called endearingly, his gaze flickered with love as he ran towards Cathedral.

"Follow me", he whispered softly into her ear as he pulled her in for a kiss.

Deep within the heart of a lush forest, where the ancient trees stood as stoic witnesses to the passage of time, Scott led Cathedral along a winding trail. The air was crisp with the scent of pine, and the whispering leaves overhead formed a natural canopy, filtering the sunlight into a mosaic of dancing beams.

As they reached a serene clearing adorned with a bed of moss and dappled sunlight, Scott turned to Cathedral, his eyes carrying the weight of a heartfelt moment. The rustling leaves seemed to hush into a gentle murmur, and the forest itself appeared to hold its breath in anticipation.

Scott: "Cathedral, every step with you has been a chapter in a story I never want to end. You're my laughter in the rain, the warmth in my winter, and the melody in my silence. Will you be my forever, my partner in this grand adventure?"

Cathedral, her eyes reflecting the play of sunlight and emotion, felt her heart quicken in response to the sincerity in Scott's words. The forest, with its timeless wisdom, seemed to echo the depth of their connection.

Cathedral: "Scott, you've painted my world with colors I never knew existed. Yes, a thousand times, yes!"

A radiant smile broke across Scott's face as he dropped to one knee, the forest floor beneath him a natural altar. He produced a small, intricately crafted box from his pocket, revealing a ring that glinted with the promise of forever.

Scott: "Cathedral, will you make me the happiest man and marry me?"

Tears of joy sparkled in Cathedral's eyes as she nodded, her voice catching in the enchantment of the moment. The forest, with its towering trees, seemed to sway in a silent dance of approval, and a gentle breeze played with Cathedral's hair like nature's own benediction.

Scott gently slid the ring onto Cathedral's finger, sealing their shared vow in the heart of the woods. The sun, filtering through the leaves, cast a warm glow around the couple, and the forest, with its timeless wisdom, witnessed the union of two souls.

In the embrace of nature's grandeur, Scott and Cathedral shared a tender kiss, the forest echoing with the chorus of a thousand leaves rustling in celebration. As they stood hand in hand, surrounded by the beauty of the woodland sanctuary, the forest seemed to cradle their love—a love as enduring and enchanting as the ancient trees that bore witness to the beginning of their forever.

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