Miss Oblivious

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Summary: You run into someone who can't take a hint. Baekjin offers you a means to end the bullying.


Just your luck to run into some guys who kept insisting on following you while touring the school. You ended up taking the wrong turn and found yourself in the courtyard. It was beautiful and you decided to just take a leisure stroll through it before turning around and going back to Jack. He knew you were touring the school, and had told you to take your time as he had ran into an acquaintance and they were talking. It was a relief for you, as you didn't want him waiting for too long with nothing to do.

It was in the moment you were turning around to return where you came from that you ran into some guy with the most hipster outfit you had ever seen. Well, you hadn't run into him, it was more like you walked into him. Smacking right into his chest before falling back and landing on your ass. He had glared down at you, not bothering to offer a helping hand. He spat out a "watch it" and you responded with a "it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been so close to me, dick" and that was enough to cause him to blush. Suddenly, he was hoisting you up as if you weighed nothing and asking for your name.

He introduced himself as Dean Kwon, and then he pointed out two other guys behind him that you had failed to notice when you fell down and introduced them as Timothy Park and Jake Ji. You thought that maybe these guys were the Union members that Jimmy warned you about, and you decided to get the hell away from them before they caused you more trouble. Unfortunately, Dean and his posse followed you. And you realized that they had been following you since before the courtyard incident. Why else was Dean standing so close to you?

"May I ask why are you following me?" You asked.

"You're wearing a Yeo-Il uniform," Dean replied.

"Okay?" how was that a good enough reason?

"Jake," he pointed to the smiley redhead, "was wondering why you're here," he said.

"Are you guys, like, playing security guards in your free time?" you asked.

Jake nodded, "kind of, yeah."

"All this free time..." you were wondering if the school's curriculum was up to standard if the students had this much time to mess around.

"Well?" Dean asked as the three continued to follow you down the halls.

At this point they were in the girls side and they seemed unfazed. You just hoped that this wouldn't bring you unnecessary attention.

"I'm transferring," you replied.

"Really? Nice," Jake said, "but why?"

"To get away from... some issues," you replied.

"Ex-boyfriend? Or maybe a friend who betrayed you?" Jake asked as his eyes progressively got wider in excitement. "You're looking to build your strength for the classic revenge arc, but then you meet three wise guys who are going to help you off the path of revenge."

"Let me guess, you three are the wise guys I'm supposed to meet?" you asked, single eyebrow raised.

"Who else?" Jake said. "You strike me as a caffeine addict. I bet we can have really meaningful conversations over coffee that would ultimately bring us closer as friends."

"Caffeine addict comment aside... who said I'm looking for friends?" you asked in the hopes that Jake would take the hint and leave you alone.

Jake didn't even look offended, and you were certain that he was purposefully ignoring the hint in order to get under your skin.

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