Predictable Outcome

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Summary: Baekjin should have seen this coming...


People had started to notice that you were alone lately. You were no longer spending time with Baekjin. You were no longer sitting with Kingsley in the AP courses you two shared. On social media posts of Baekjin, you were no longer featured. Just last night, he was at a party and you were not with him, and that was enough to start new rumors. People were assuming that you and Baekjin broke up.

You didn't like those assumptions, because while you needed this break from him, you still loved him, and you did not think that you two would break up over this. You figured that after some time, you two would sit down and talk this through, and set rules, so that this type of breach of trust would not happen again. At least, that was what you hoped would happen. You dreaded the idea that Baekjin would want to break up. You were angry before, but now that you had time to calm down, you wanted to try working this out.

Unfortunately, while there was no truth to these rumors, some people had started treating you coldly, like before you started dating Baekjin.

You didn't mind, though, because it allowed you to see who was sucking up to you just because of Baekjin. But you failed to remember one thing, or rather, one person.


"Hey, bitch," Alice greeted you with a smirk, as soon as you entered the bathroom, as you usually did everyday after your last class to freshen up before work. Your predictable routine that had gotten you in this situation two times now.

"What do you want?" You asked.

"Hmm, I'm here to do what I do best. After all, you are no longer under any protection," Alice responded.

"Why don't you leave me alone?" you asked. You reached for the door, but you found that it was closed. Someone on the outside was holding it in place. You were stuck inside a bathroom with a martial artist who hated you for no reason.

Turning your back to Alice was the wrong thing to do. She grabbed the back of your collar and threw you on the tile floor. The last thing you saw was her foot raising above your head, and then darkness.


Alice had apparently beaten you so severely that you had passed out. You woke up later in the nurse's office, your body aching terribly as you tried to move. You could still hear students in the hallways, coming out of their after school clubs, which made you realize that it had been an hour since classes had ended.

You sighed, reaching up to touch your face. "Ouch," you were bandaged up, and you could tell one of your eyes was almost swollen shut. You wanted to cry in pain and frustration, but you knew it would only make things hurt more.

"So, you're awake."

You looked to the side, spotting the bespectacled bastard, Kingsley.

"What are you doing here?" you asked, pushing off the bed to sit up, despite how your body protested.

Kingsley tsked, "me? I'm here to let you know that if you knew your place and stayed by Baekjin's side, this would not have happened."

"This only happened because of you," you bit out.

"I only did what was best for Baekjin," Kinglsey responded.

"You are unhinged, Kwan. Stop living your life for someone else, for fuck's sake," you said.

"Do you know how hurt he is? He wasted so much time and effort on you, and one little thing—"

"It was not a little thing! You do not know what I went through because of those rumors," you said. You had fallen into a depressive state because of those rumors. You had even considered giving up your plans and moving back home.

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