Mrs. Bae's Deadly Slides

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Summary: How Jack met you... And Jimmy's new "girlfriend"


Jack Kang had two people who he considered as close friends. They were different from the dozens of others of friends he had made throughout his youth. Even though he had been described as a prickly dick, he still had people trying to befriend him. His older brother, Mark, liked to joke that his aloof face coupled with a violent streak reminded people of their dads and everyone he knew had daddy issues. Jack would always roll his eyes in disdain at Mark's jokes, but a part of him dreaded the idea that he was slowly growing to be a replica of his father. He didn't know how he felt about his friends subconsciously associating him with their own messed up version of their fathers. He hoped that his close friends kept him around for other reasons.

His best friend was Jimmy Bae, a guy who beat him up once and then decided they were friends. And he didn't argue, because he was the idiot who picked a fight first after being given an altered version of a story about Jimmy beating up his school mate. Jimmy was a chill guy once they got to know each other. Well, he was a chill guy until his ego emerged or he blew a fuse. Which was just fine with Jack, because he also had a short temper and a bit of an ego problem.

They bonded over stupid shit like smoking and being delinquents. Neither thought how stupid it was to smoke a cancer stick for the sake of looking cool, because they were both in middle school at the time, and they needed to do rebellious things as rebellious teens. Now they were addicted and couldn't live without smoking a cigarette. Going without one for too long only added to their already volatile personalities. Jack had even picked fights because he was craving a smoke and didn't or couldn't have one.

The two packs of cigarettes a day he and Jimmy shared was bad, but not as bad as Jimmy's love for whisky. He didn't get alcohol where everyone else did, like at a liquor store or whatever. And not like he could just walk into a store to buy alcohol, considering he was well under the legal drinking age, but he didn't even try to get a fake I.D. or anything like their peers did. No, Jimmy was a unique little fucker. He needed that, off the streets from some shady vendor's trunk, whisky. This boy would stock up, giddy as he brought over his haul to Mark's auto shop to store, because his grandma and mother would give him a whooping if they found any alcohol in their house. Mark gladly let Jimmy store his loot in his office, because his price was a bottle for himself. He wasn't going to berate them for drinking, because according to him, he did worse things at their age. He had even gifted Jimmy a flask, so he could always keep some of his moonshine on him. Jimmy would pull it out and offer it to anyone who was around. In school, in the place the Union held their meetings, and even at parties.

This little habit of Jimmy's was what led Jack to meeting the person who would become another close friend. Now, Jack and Jimmy attended an all-boy school, so meeting girls was hard. They needed to go out of their way, and Jimmy was always grumbling about this, because he just wanted to look at a pretty girl after looking at a bunch of ugly dudes all day. And he'd usually look pointedly at Helmet as he said this. This desire to connect with a girl, was why Jimmy was always eager to attend any party that they got invited to. When Baekjin Na threw that party at the start of the year, Jimmy was excited. He even put on the cologne that Jack liked so much, but still could not get the name of from the ginger. And of course, Jimmy met a girl at the party. He took out his signature flask when she approached him and offered her a swig of the stuff that would make the average person gag at the smell alone. Now, this girl was some random, unknown girl, and Jack didn't bother sticking around to speak to her. He didn't want to see Jimmy get all flirty.

Jack left Jimmy and this random girl alone and went to get a drink that wasn't disgusting and smuggled in a flask that got passed around to anyone who Jimmy came across. And that's when he met you. At that moment he had no idea that you two would become friends. You struck up a conversation with him, nervous and seeking to distract yourself because your friend Yoon-ah was off to the side yelling into her phone. He felt bad enough that he decided to stick around. You seemed a bit out of place, like you had no desire to be there, and Jack could relate. He didn't like parties nearly as much as Jimmy, but he liked Jimmy so he went along with him. As you two continued the small talk, trying to ignore Yoon-ah, who was loudly threatening to castrate the person on the other line of her phone call, Jimmy caused a scene and then stormed off. He completely abandoned Jack in the act and in his frustration, Jack commented that it was just Jimmy being Jimmy. And you found it funny, probably not because of what he said, but the tone he said it in as he watched his friend, and ride, storm off.

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