Beach Confessions

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Summary: Jack and Jimmy talk.

A Jimmy and Jack chapter! With a side of Kingsley and Yoon-ah.


It was some sort of surreal experience going to the beach with the one guy they all feared and respected. Jack hadn't expected that it would happen, when you called him and said that you and Baekjin were going to the beach. He knew he shouldn't have thought that, after all, Baekjin Na was still just a teenaged boy like he was, like Jimmy was. Having participated in the park renovations, he should have realized this already, but it was still sort of funny to learn that even Baekjin was capable of doing average people things to appease his girlfriend. Considering that he did community service work completely voluntarily just to ask a girl out, it should have been obvious that when you said you wanted to go to the beach, that Baekjin would go without much protest. He figured that if he had never known you, Jack would have never learned this side of Baekjin.

When he arrived at the beach, he wasn't too surprised to see Kingsley on his phone while Baekjin was threatening to flatten some dude for hassling you and Yoon-ah. What he was shocked to see, was that after that whole ordeal, you asked him to walk with you along the water, and he agreed by immediately stripping down to his swim trunks. He wasn't expecting Baekjin Na to be wearing some form fitting swim trunks that didn't leave much to the imagination. Chances were that you had picked it out for him, because you were grinning from ear to ear as soon as you saw them. The full body of tattoos was not a surprise, though.

Yoon-ah had gone off to greet some people who were sitting nearby. It seemed they were old friends, Jack wasn't too sure. She was now busily chatting away with them. She barely spared Jimmy and him a glance, which was weird, considering she was supposed to be Jimmy's girlfriend. He didn't pay much attention to that though, as he and Jimmy still needed to set themselves up before they got to enjoy their time at the beach. And by enjoy he meant get some sleep, which was his favorite thing to do at the beach.

They only had a backpack with their shared essentials, as you had brought a blanket that would be big enough to fit all of them and had told him to not bring a blanket himself. Still, Jack didn't feel too comfortable laying out on the same blanket as Kingsley, who was looking at them as one did used gum that got stuck at the bottom of their shoes. So, he spread out his towel next to the blanket and promptly laid down once he was in his swim wear. His backpack was tossed along with the other bags so he didn't need to worry about it getting misplaced later on.

"Come on, let's go swim," Jimmy said, hovering over Jack.

Jimmy was in his usual beach clothes. He was wearing a long-sleeved shirt along with his extra long swim trunks. Even though it was a cloudy day, the sun would still occasionally peek out from time to time and it was hot enough to burn. Jimmy always covered up to avoid getting sunburned, so it wasn't a surprise that he was dressed like this.

"Why aren't you asking your girl to go swimming with you?" Jack asked in return.

Jimmy poked Jack's ribs with a toe, "don't be a dick, Jack. You've been so prickly lately."

Jack swatted at Jimmy's feet, "it's a legitimate question. You two are dating and yet you're not spending time with her. I mean, look at Baekjin, he's with his girl, doing couple shit."

"We don't have that type of relationship," Jimmy replied. His cheeks were already red, either he was flustered or his fair skin was already suffering from being out in the sun.

"Right. Well, then go swim alone... and put some fucking sunblock on your face," Jack said before he turned to lay on his stomach.

Jack could hear Jimmy grumbling in distaste before he was taking off towards the water. He did not put on sunblock and chances were that his skin would be peeling later. This time it wouldn't be Jack's problem. Yoon-ah could have the task of rubbing aloe gel on him like Jack used to do, because Jimmy always burned in the sun and was too stubborn to put sunblock.

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