The Start of Summer Break

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Shopping and making plans for the summer.

Another long chapter (i think)


Summer break had officially started and you were having a little too much fun shopping for clothes you could not afford. Baekjin had invited you to join him to go buy some basic outfits, as he had outgrown his old clothes. You had gotten most of those clothes he outgrew. The hoodies, shirts, and sweatpants were great lounge wear, even if you had to roll the sleeves and legs. They were comfy and always smelled like him. You were even wearing one of his old shirts at the moment.

At first you were nervous about being in stores that carried clothes that were so expensive, but once you realized that you were going to see Baekjin in whatever outfit you picked out for him, you started to get excited.

You stopped looking at the tags, because you didn't want to get an aneurysm trying to calculate how many hours (days, weeks, months) you needed to work in order to afford just one of these items, and instead you focused on how good Baekjin would look in them. Your boyfriend was super model gorgeous and you were getting a front row seat to his fashion show.

"How about this one?" you asked, holding up some shirt that wasn't the usual colors that Baekjin wore. It was a nice bright red shirt that you thought would look nice on him.

Baekjin made a face, like he expected better from you. He just wouldn't budge on wearing anything that wasn't black or gray. Sometimes there was some white, but that was just his favorite jacket that was mostly black with a white and gold design. And you low-key hated that jacket. He used to have one white muscle tee, that you had only seen him wear once, but it was now yours and part of your workout clothes. Jimmy mentioned a red leather jacket, but that was before you met him, so you've never seen him in red.

You sighed, placing the shirt back on the rack and grabbing the one next to it that was more his style, "okay, this one?"

Baekjin leaned over you and grabbed the red shirt, "I'll try it... but don't get your hopes up, I might not buy it."

You smiled, "and how about this pink hoodie?" You pointed out a cute hoodie that you were hoping to steal from him in the future.

"Don't push it," Baekjin poked your forehead.

You rubbed your forehead, pouting at him, "you'd look so... nice in pink."

"You were going to say cute, right?" Baekjin asked, already knowing the answer, "no guy wants to hear that he's cute, especially not from his girlfriend."

"Well, you're a handsome guy, but that doesn't mean you can't be cute, too, Jin," you said, grabbing the pink hoodie and holding it up.

Baekjin glared at the hoodie for a bit before he snatched it from your hand, "fine." He always gave in when you called him Jin.

He headed off towards the changing room and you followed, already spotting the chair you wanted to sit in while you waited for the fashion show to begin. The store wasn't too busy, so there were plenty of seats available in the changing area. You would be able to sit quietly by yourself for a bit.

Baekjin's first few outfits included the red shirt and pink hoodie. He honestly looked good in anything and you made sure you let him know by telling him so. You did make some lewd and objectifying comments about how good his ass looked in some of the pants you picked for him. You threw in some "ooh's" and "ahh's" his way as well. You did get some side eye stares from other customers who passed by for these comments, but Baekjin's little smile was worth it. He was enjoying playing model as much as you were enjoying the show.

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