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Summary: You learn how some of the rumors started.


Every time you doubted your worth to Baekjin, he found a way to surprise you and make you feel at the center of his world. For each second you spent with him, you really believed that was true. The anticipation to see him, the breathless moments after kissing him, and just being with him was euphoric. More and more your thoughts became singularly focused on him and only him.

For the first time you got the lowest grade you had ever received in Yeo-Il, and you were embarrassed to admit that it was because instead of studying, you decided to spend the afternoon doodling the names of the future babies you wanted to have with Baekjin.

When Baekjin saw your score, he looked genuinely shocked, and then he proceeded to lecture you on how this wouldn't look good for the university you wanted to attend. You tried to defend yourself, stating it was just one test, but he immediately canceled plans the following day to help you study.

Normally, a boyfriend helping his girlfriend study in the school library wasn't a big deal, but since it was Baekjin, there was a few stares. By the end of the day, you regretfully didn't learn anything, because your stupid crush on your boyfriend was bad enough that all you could focus on was how perfect he was, going out of his way to help you. And there were quite a few pictures online now, from those who were also there, to prove that your attention was on Baekjin and not the work.


"You are down bad for him, huh," Yoon-ah commented, grinning like a loon at you when she saw you doodling his name on your notebook during homeroom.

"Yes, I am," you admitted without hesitation.

"Did he?" she made a gesture with her hands that made you blush.

"No... well, almost, but I chickened out," you admitted.

The night you spent over at Baekjin's place had a lot of firsts, but you two didn't go all the way. You had thought Baekjin would get upset, but aside for some visible frustration at being left in that state, he was understanding. Calm, even. You two ended up cuddling until both of you fell asleep. It was the first time you two slept on the same bed together, and it was sweet to wake up with soft kisses and the promise of pancakes and coffee.

"Yoon-ah burst out laughing, "you get to keep your v-card for now."

"Uh, it was so embarrassing... but he's so understanding and nice and I feel awful," you said.

"Don't. You weren't ready. If he's not pressuring you, then you shouldn't be pressuring yourself," Yoon-ah said in a more serious tone.

Sometimes she really was wise beyond her years.

You continued with the rest of your day, mindlessly doodling, and making peace with the fact that you had actually developed a crush on your boyfriend. Well, it wasn't a crush, but more like you had realized that you were really in love with him. The whole overnight experience with him at his apartment had really cemented what you felt for Baekjin. He was such an understanding guy and kind person with you. He had always been like that, but you just needed to see it.

You had been so blissfully preoccupied with thoughts of Baekjin, that you failed to notice who had followed you out of your last class.

You headed for the girl's bathroom near the front, as you always did, to freshen up your face before work. You were looking in the mirror, humming mindlessly as you fussed with your hair, when the door to the bathroom opened and in entered Alice.

She raised her hands, smiling, "I'm just here to talk."

You were not interested, but you knew that she would not let you leave without hearing what she had to say. She was standing firmly in front of the door, and you could tell from her stance that she would attack if you got to close.

Weak Hero| Butterflies [Donald Na x Reader]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat