Driving Lessons

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Summary: Jack has been teaching you to drive. You two end up having a serious conversation...


You knew that once you invited Baekjin over it'd start to become a normal occurrence. It almost seemed like he was just waiting for you to invite him over once, for it to happen again, and again. And as you predicted, in the weeks following the mensiversary, you two made spending time in your apartment part of your late nights. You didn't mind as Baekjin was quiet, and you two just watched movies or shows, when there was nothing else to do.

You learned that Baekjin was a bit of a sci-fic fan, based on the shows he'd watch with rapt attention. You jokingly started calling him your nerd boy. He'd scoff and roll his eyes at you, but you caught the little smile, so the nickname stuck.

And while spending time inside, watching movies and shows together had become more common, you two still went out. Mostly, because just sitting around on the sofa meant you two got a bit too handsy with each other and you weren't ready for anything that serious, yet. So, you tried to suggest an outing whenever you noticed yourself feeling a bit too excited to see him. You were always jumping at the opportunity to do something else, because you were afraid you'd do something you weren't mentally ready for in the heat of the moment. Even if it was a party, you were likely to agree to attend if Baekjin asked you to go with him.

And as it was common for someone of Baekjin's reputation, he often got invited out to parties. He didn't always go, but when he did, he invited you along. And you made sure to drag Jack and Jimmy with you, because you weren't going to sit through these parties alone, while Baekjin had to go speak to people about things you couldn't and didn't want to hear about. Jimmy always made sure to make getting you stupid drunk his mission, because he thought it was hilarious how clingy you got. Jack tried to be the voice of reason, but he couldn't help getting swept up by Jimmy's energy.

So, it wasn't a surprise that you were staring down a tray of shots as Jack and Jimmy cheered you on at the latest party that you had attended for Baekjin's sake.

"Just one," you said, grabbing one of the shot glasses.

"Boo, don't be a pussy," Jimmy said, trying to goad you on.

"Boo, don't be a dick," you retorted.

Jimmy chortled. He was already in his happy-drunk stage so he didn't get offended like usual. You could get away with saying a lot to him when he was like this, because he'd either laugh it off or forget what it was that you said in favor of laughing at something else.

"Hey, Baekjin is back," Jack motioned with his head in the direction he saw Baekjin coming from.

You looked up and were met with Baekjin's sour face. He had gone off to greet some guys, leaving you alone with Jack and Jimmy about thirty minutes ago. Now he was returning with a scowl on his face that he was having a hard time hiding.

"Why are you making that face?" you asked just as Baekjin sat down next to you. His sullen expression only lessened then.

"I like it better when it's just you and me," he said so only you could hear, "we could have been watching my show on your sofa right now."

You were tempted to call him your nerd boy, like you had been doing recently, but you stopped yourself because Jimmy and Jack were around. He really liked his sci-fi shows. It was cute how much of a sci-fi fan he was. He liked to put the shows on whenever you two were sitting around your living room doing homework or, in his case, doing paperwork. He'd stop to watch the screen on your laptop whenever a favorite part was on, before he resumed doing his work. It wasn't something you would have ever imagine the leader of the Union doing in his spare time.

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