Chapter 5

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Hey guys...!!!
I'm super happy to announce that I'm somewhat settled in my job ... But still many more to learn and experienced.. That's ok.. I'm grateful to learn, work and experienced.. Next about my stories... I wish to end heart beats .. And wish to continue a lonely road along with ravananin rakshaki... Then, I have an another story plot in my mind so I will try to update about it soon..& Thank you for your immense response for RAVANANIN RAKSHAKI... and please continue to support me like this throughout my story...and I am penning this story with lot of happiness and it's also coming out well.. It's all because of you.. #people's love..&

அனைவருக்கும் இனிய பொங்கல் திருநாள் நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்...! 😍💖... Happy pongal 🤗💖...

Flash back continues...

(Last chapter venumna re-read panitu continue panunga🤗)

Eeswaran moved towards rakshita to tie the knot... But before that ravanan grabbed the taali and tied it around her neck while the people stood around them gasped and widened their eyes in shock..

Rakshita can't able to believe what is happening and stood frozen.. Rakshan whitsled and clapped his hands which brings almost all back to the present... Rakshita kept looking on ravanan who is tying the taali sincerely in her neck.. While eeswaran burst out in anger and tried to hit ravanan.. While ravanan hit eeswaran in his chest by his leg furriously... Literally, eeswaran flew in air and then landed on the ground with a thud and groaned in pain.Chanakyan and the persons who came to hit ravanan stepped back in fear seeing eeswaran flying in air.

Naa Adicha Mookku Muzhi Pithungi Pogumada
Yeh Naa Mithicha Mootezhumbu Norungi Veengumada
Mootaiyathaan Katti Kittu Moochu Mutta Odu
Settai Ellaam Seiyya Venaam Vaaya Konjam Moodu
Kaattaatha Velai Ellaam Kavunthu Pogum Usuru
Yeh Neettaatha Kaiya Kaala Enakku Neeyum Kosuru..

Ravanan folded his dhoti and tied it around his hip and twisted his moustache and stood smirking by seeing his machan (chanakyan)who stood in fear in front of him..

While chankyan gulped the lump formed on his throat and signalled his friends to hit ravanan while them stepped front by masking their fear in their faces.

         Rakshan stepped near ravanan and murukified his moustache and stood along with ravanan by smirking the persons in front of them..

Rak(m.v) :Inaiku sema viruntu tan namaku.. He then looked rakshita and thought.. Inta pulla tan pavam...and sighed... as they don't have any options other than hitting her family in front of her eyes...

      The persons tried to slash ravanan using the long sickle while ravanan bend down and escaped gracefully and hit the persons stomach with a hard punch while the person spitted blood and clutched his stomach in pain and landed on the ground with thud.

Oi Naa Adicha Mookku Muzhi Pithungi Pogumada
Yeh Naa Mithicha Mootezhumbu Norungi Veengumada

  On the other side ,another person neared ravanan while rakshan hold his hand and twisted it back while the person groaned in pain and then rakshan kicked the person who flew to few feet and landed in the ground with thud.

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