Chapter 12

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Soran's POV:

Its been a few weeks since i woke up after the fight. I still havent been able to control my demon side yet but I have been working with Lucien to try and get better control. Right now im currently in the dungeons with Lucien and were training me to use my demon side. Everytime I use it I am mever able to gain control back amd have to have Lucien's help.

"You ready for todays training Soran?" Lucien asked. Its obvious hes worried about me as i havent been able to control my demonic side.

"As ready as i can be. Do you have any form of tips that might be useful for me?" I asked as im getting tired of the constant training.

Lucien thought for a moment and looked at me. "When your in your demonic state try thinking of Silver. When you were fighting his mother before he called to you after it was over and you gained the slightest bit of control back which, along with your wounds, caused you to pass out."

I thought for a minute and nodded my head. When he gave the command i allowed my demon side to take control. For a little bit he tried attacking Lucien but of course nothing happened because im not strong enough to lay a hand on the demon king. After a few monutes i started thinking of Silver and how much i loved his warmth from his hugs and how pretty his silver eyes are and next thing i know im back in control of my body. I smiled happily and looked at Lucien. "I DID IT!!"

Lucien smiled proudly at me before coming over and giving me a hug proud fully. "Great job! I lnow that must've been hard for you." He said softly. I nodded my head and yawned a bit as that was always so mentally draining.

"Im going to go ahead and lay down for a bit before lunch is served." I said before walking back to Silver and I's room. When i got in there Silver wasnt there so i figured he was out with friends or with my dad. I laid down on the bed and quickly sleep took over.

After a few hours I woke up and headed to the cafeteria. There I saw my dad and Silver talking. I walked over to the table and sat next to my boyfriend as i joined into the conversation.

"How was your training today Soran?" Silver asked. I looked around him before smiling happily. With that he smiled happily. "YOU LEARNED TO CONTROL IT DIDNT YOU?!" He said happily. When i nodded my head he jumped into my arms hugging me tightly while my dad also smiled and said congrats. I nodded at him and continued to hug Silver.

*A few years later*

Its been about five years since everything went down. Now me and Silver are engaged and are both living happily in a small house near the castle. We had adopted a son as well his name is Sunny. I found out that Sunny was genderneutral so i named him after my mother. He is also a hybrid but was born here in the demon realm. My father is happy living at the castle and Lucien is still the king.

People have stopped coming after me after i fought and won against Silvers mother which is good for me. I dont have to worry about losing control. But now i can help my son learn to control both sides so he doesnt have to go through as many hardships as i did.

"DADDY!!" Sunny called. He ran into the lovingroom where i was sitting looking out the window. His black hair and golden eyes looking at me with excitement. "Can we go see Grandpa amd Uncle Lucien?!" He asked quickly. I chuckled and picked him up. "I dont mind. Lets make sure papa is ok woth it first ok?" I said to him. He happily nodded his head and flew from my arms into our room. Not long after both Silver and Sunny were walking out Sunny bouncing around happily. "LETS GO!" He yelled happily. Me and Silver chuckled before heading off to the castle with Sunny.

When we got there i stood in front of the castle as Sunny and Silver headed inside. I smiled as i thought about my past and my present. Years ago i was just a hybrid who didnt have and family or friends. Now im watching my family get together in fromt of me. Something i never expected to happen. But now im the happiest ive ever been with my Fiancée, son, and my two fathers. I smiled and headed to Silver and Sunny who had stopped to wait on me before we all headed inside the castle. 'Im never going to let anyone hurt them' i thought to myself.

THANK YOU ALL SO MICH FOR THE LOVE AND SUPPORT!!! I do apologize for the really long update of the ending but i have been struggling with work and bills and just being an adult 😂. But this is the end of the story! I hope you all enjoyed amd sorry if its rushed!! I hope you all have a good rest of your day/night and ill see you guys in my next story that i will hopefully write soon!!! Word count: 905

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