chapter 3

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I was with Silver again tonight. He was going to teach me how to fly. "Ok. You can use them. You just aren't used to holding your own weight." He says to me so I can understand. He sits there and thinks for a bit before giving me a mischievous grin. "I k ow the perfect way for you to learn." I looked at him skeptically and hesitantly nodded my head. He grinned and grabbed my hand, dragging me to a cliff.

"So. You really for your first lesson?" he asked grinning like a weirdo. I looked at him wide eyed. Before I could ask him if I had to jump I felt him push me off the cliff. At that momemt time seemed to slap down. I looked at my wings and time went back to normal. I was able to flip to my stomach as i struggled to keep my wings open. The speed I was falling at made my wings just fly behind me.

I closed my eyes as I was about to hit the ground. Before I hit the ground I was finally able to get my wings to stay open. I kept my eyes closed before I noticed that I didn't hit the ground. I slowly opened one eye before my eyes widened. It was beautiful up here. I looked over and saw Silver flying next to me. Being technical I was just gliding.

"Try flapping your wings a bit to keep yourself airborne!" He said as he flapped his wings as a demonstration. I was a bit hesitant but copied his movements. I stumbled a bit and almost fell before I got used to moving my wings a bit. I grinned happily as I flew next to him. He started to fly down and landed before turning and watching me. "Come on down!" He called. I went down towards him before I froze up. My eyes widen as I remember one important thing. "How do I land?!" His eyes widen right before I crash into him. We both grunt in pain before laughing at each other.

"You ok Silver?" I asked as I got up stumbling a bit. I reached my hand out to him to help him up. "Yeah. Thanks." He grabbed my hand and I helped him up. I didnt know what I felt but I felt a shock go up my arm. He quickly let go, letting me know that he felt it too.

"What was that?" He asked shocked as he looked at his hand. "I have no clue." He looked at me and I saw a slight tint of pink dusting his cheeks. "Well. I gotta head back." I said softly. I watched as he nodded his head before flapping my wings a bit harder than before, to get me off the ground, then flying home. I flew cause then I knew that the people couldnt do much to me while I'm airborne.

When I arrived home I saw a note on the door saying that I needed to get my stuff and leave. 'I'm getting kicked out?' I asked myself mentally. I went in and grabbed what little I owned and left. I took the note with me as I headed back to the border. I saw that Silver had gone home so I just stayed there for the night. 'Now I have nowhere to go.' That was my last thought before darkness consumed me.

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