chapter 4

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I woke to the sun's rays in my eyes. I also heard someone. "!... Soran!!" I jolted up and hit my forehead against something hard. I looked over and saw that I had just headbutted Silver in the forehead. He looked at me before asking "What are you doing, sleeping out here? why arent you at home?" I wiped the sleepiness from my eyes and grabbed the note and showed him. "I'm homeless now."

I saw his face change from curiosiry to anger. He sighed and calmed down before looking at me. "Well. How about you come stay with me?" To say I was surprised would be an understatement. "How would i get across the border?" He grinned at me and grabbed my wrist. "You just got through!"

We flew across the border with me next to him. When we crossed, I felt a bit weird for a moment. I looked over at my wings and saw that my white wing had turned a light silver/gray color while the blue tips turned a shade of black. I looked at my other wing and nothing changed other than the this which turned a deep red.

I didn't worry as well flew for a while. "Where are we going?" He grinned at me and looked over. "We're going to see the demon king!" I was startled and became nervous. He must've felt the small change in my grip on his hand. "Don't worry. He won't toss you out. Besides. You show more bad than good, but he doesnt really care. He let's the demons here do whatever they want to the evil souls that come here. Other demons are not to harm each other. He also lets us fall in love with whoever we want."

I nodded and we flew for a while more before arriving at a large castle. It looked normal but it was more evil-like. I was really nervous since I grew up my whole life in Heaven. I've never been to Hell before. Even going to the border was a grave offense.

We walked into the castle and I stayed behind Silver as my anxiety started to get worse. I was afraid that the demon king would be worse than what I've heard about. the doors opened and there i saw the demon king.

The demon king looked at us as the doors opened. "ah~ Silver. What a pleasant surprise~" He looked over at me and I stood my ground looking down hoping to not make him angry. "Who's your friend? He smells of angel and demon."  Silver bowed his head before he he spoke. "He is originally from Heaven. And he'd a hybrid. A child of a demon and angel." I was shocked at how he spoke so confidentally.

The demon king grinned... Happily?? I was confused now. I thought the demon king would would have had the opposite reaction. His eyes were a beautiful red and his skin pale. His hair was a silky black along with the feathers on his wings. He looked amazing. Even more amazing than what we were taught.

"Why arent you in Heaven, son?" He asked pulling me from my thoughts. "Oh.. Well they... Didn't treat me very well. They all beat me physically and mentally whenever they wanted." I said softly as I looked down before looking up to see his reaction change to anger. "HOW COULD THEY DO THAT?!?!?!" He yelled angrily. I flinched and tensed up before hiding behind Silver who turned around and hugged me wrapping his wings around me. "Your Majesty!" This caught the king's attention as he looked over and saw me being held by Silver as I shook like a leaf. He quickly calmed down and came over to us. He placed his hand on my head which made me flinch but he didnt move his hand away. "I'm sorry for scaring you. Can you tell me your name?"

"M-my name is Soran." I slowly calmed down and pulled away from Silver. He smiled softly and removed his hand. He then asked a question I'd never expected from his majesty.

"How would you like
to stay here?"

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