chapter 5

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I was surprised to say the least. the Demon King was asking if I wanted to stay. I started to get a warm bubbly feeling inside. I felt like I belonged and I smiled happily and nodded my head. "yes!" I froze before I coughed a bit. "I-i mean.. Yes. Thank you."

He chuckled and rubbed my head lovingly. "I'm glad. You can stay with anyone or anywhere." He turned to wake away before i stopped him. "Excuse me!" He turned and looked at me a bit confused. "Uhm... Do you know where my father may be?" He smiled softly and nodded. "Of course. Let us go see him."

I smiled happily as I followed him. Silver came along and stood next to me. I was about to ask his majesty for his name before he spoke. "You can call me Lucien. I'm not too keen of formalities."i nodded my head. "Uhm. Where is my father?" "Not too much longer, son"

We walked through the large hallways which had a red rug on the floor that goes all the way down the hall with gold embroidery. We came upon a large door that was all black with beautiful designs on it. I was nervous since I had never met my father. i
I didnt know if he would recognize me. "You ok?" I was pulled from my thoughts as Silver looked at me with a bit of concern.

"I'm just nervous since I've never met my father." Lucien nodded before before he went and knocked on the door. I heard someome scrambling aeound and became even more nervous. After a moment the door opened. "Oh. Your Highness. What a surprise." Lucien nodded his head. "There's someone here for you." He said as he took a small step to the side making my presence known. He looked confused. "Who's the kid?"

Lucien looked at me and smiled softly. "Open your wings, dear." I was a bit hesitant. I noticed Silver nod at me and I slowly opened my wings. My wing had started turning back to white but the tips stayed black. He looked a bit confused before his eyes showed recognition.


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