chapter 2

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*a few weeks later* *this is silver. just imagine him with silver eyes instead of red*

It has been a few weeks since I've met Silver. I decided I would go and see him again today. I didn't go yesterday because I didn't want to seem suspicious. I walked through the streets like normal with everyday being the same. I eventually arrived at our meeting spot. I look around and see Silver laying down at the edge of Heaven and Hell. I walk over quietly wanting to scare him. His eyes are closed and he looked like he was sleeping. I jump at him and he opens his eyes, grabs me, and pins me with my stomach on the ground as he sits on my back.

"Nice try, Soran." He said teasingly. I push him off a bit and chuckled as he got of me. "At least i tried." he laid next to me and we laid there looking at the stars. I noticed that they shine brighter here than anywhere else. I didn't notice silver calling my name until he yelled. "What?" He have me a blank look. "I've been calling your name for the past five minutes." He said to me. I was honestly surprised.

"I was wondering why you never show your wings." I didn't notice that I had visibly tensed up. 'What would he think of me? I'm a freak of nature!' I thought to myself. 'But he's also my friend. I don't think he'll mind.' I had finally convinced myself too let him see.

"I'll show you. But you have to promise you won't leave me." He looked at me skeptically as to why I would say something like that. "I promise." I sighed softly, afraid of how this'll turn out. I slowly let my wings and tail out, turning to see his reaction. What surprised me was that he didn't show any fear... at all. He just looked... shocked.

"How...?" He didn't know what to say. He walked around me and gently stroked my wings. They tensed up as they've never been touched before. He then saw my tail and very gently, grabbed ahold of it. I made a small squeak in surprise as he played with the tuft of fur. "This is amazing." He said in awe. I looked at his shocked. "Your not going to hit me???" He looked at me a bit skeptical. "No? Why would i do that?" I looked down a bit. "All the other angel do it at some point." He looked at me shocked and a bit angry. I turned and hugged him tightly. "Thanks Silver." he hugged back and looked at the sky. "We should head back. Its almost dawn." I let go and looked at the sky before softly cursing under my breath. "i
I gotta go. I'll try to come back. Then you can teach me to fly!" He looked at me shocked. "You cant fly?!" I shook my head and started to run back home. "I cant wait!" I see him wave at me and fly off as i turned and keep running home.

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