Chapter Fourteen: TREVON

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By the time class rolled around Trevon's shoulders and back ached, maybe they burned, or wished to be dead - he wasn't sure how to explain it. However he knew it was going to make focusing on anything else difficult. Showering quickly Trevon rushed back to his borrowed room.

Though it was the third time he'd entered the room it still gave him the same feeling as when he first entered. Stepping into two separate worlds contained in a single room. One half had clothes strewn across the floor and over chairs, bed unmade, blue covers and pillows hanging over the mattress onto the floor. There were also rolls of what Trevon assumed were posters stacked in the corner, with more plastered on the walls - all sorts of people on odd contraptions that helped them defy gravity without technical support. Suspecting they came with an elaborate explanation Trevon wasn't quite ready to ask Russ about them.

The other side of the room was completely vacant, with the exception of one bed, a set of drawers, a small bedside table, and an elaborate computer set-up opposite the bed. Other than using it to read the University's extremely detailed policy, Trevon hadn't bothered asking about the system either.

A loud crunch, followed by a crash came from the closet seconds before Russ stumbled out. Rubbing his shoulder until he noticed Trevon standing in the doorway, he smirked. "Have fun at work?"

"As much fun as yesterday." Said Trevon, this time taking a seat on his borrowed bed. He brushed the remaining water from his hair with his hand. The decision to take only two changes of clothing now seemed ridiculous, as Trevon pulled his only belongings from his bag. "Do you have class this morning?"

"Yes. A stupid Elemental Ethics course." Russ grabbed a small, nylon bag that was wedged between his desk and the wall, and started tossing things inside. "Forcing us to take it before twelve should be unethical."

"Your hand seems in good condition." Trevon motioned to Russ' careless use of his wrapped hand.

Russ paused to look at his wrapped wrist, "Oh it's fine. I had a friend finish healing it. She said you did a pretty good job. I told her she's an idiot."

Not really a nice thing to say about someone that was healing you, but Trevon decided he didn't know enough about Russ or his friend to judge.

"Man, you can't wear that." Russ said sharply.

Trevon had barely found his second and last pair of clean clothes, and had began pulling them on. But upon Russ' interruption he stopped, one arm in, one arm out. This added to Russ' amusement. "Seriously Kana you crack me up. Wear anything in this room. My clothes are your clothes. If it's on the floor it's probably clean. Smell it just in case. Except for the ones under the bed. Those are always dirty. And careful in the closet it might eat you alive."

He knew it was rude to stare, but Trevon just couldn't help it. No one had ever been so openly generous with him before - he had no idea how to react.

"But don't be too adventurous," Russ reached down and grabbed a simple Green and white long sleeve shirt from one pile, and a pair of grey pocketed pants. He tossed them to Trevon, who gratefully caught them. "Later I'll point you in the right direction to buy your own underwear."

A laugh managed to escape Trevon's chest. After that the words came to mind. "Thank you. I apologize I don't know how to repay you."

"Naw. It's just refreshing having someone around that's not warped by Clan hierarchy." Russ pulled his bag over his shoulder. "Get dressed and let's go get some food, before class. I'm starving."

Trevon was still impressed by planet food. He knew he looked idiotic marveling over the variety of things to choose from. But colorful crunchy circles doused in cows milk. Trevon was amazed at the taste.

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