Chapter Twenty Three: TREVON

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"I'm going to move water tomorrow!" The excitement bubbled over so aggressively that Trevon practically sat on Nicki when sliding into the outdoor lunch table. Russ chuckled from across the table. Nicki helped steady Trevon in the chair beside her.

"Relax, have a sandwich." She pushed a tall layered food creation toward him. Trevon sunk his teeth into the soft white bread, through the crunchy vegetables and into the spiced meaty center he chewed careful in order to taste each bite, before swallowing.

"Sandwiches are amazing," Trevon insisted. "What is this?"

"Pastrami," said Nicki.

"What kind of animal is a Pastrami?"

Russ laughed "I knew befriending a space kid would be entertaining." He bit down on a sandwich of his own. Trevon eyed it noticing there was no vegetables or meat. It oozed with a strangely brown substance.

"It's peanut butter," Russ started noticing Trevon's wandering eye. "You're not ready for Peanut Butter." He took another bite.

"So you're going to move water?" Nicki changed the subject.

"I was allowed to sit in on a fifth class, not an official audit but the professor allowed it. We went through the steps and theory on how to connect with water and use its energy to move it, he was so impressed he's allowing me to come back tomorrow and try to make a whirlpool in the pond."

"Why are you even auditing an elemental course anyway?" Nicki interrupted his thoughts. "Only new students are required to take multiple introductory courses for each branch, so they can find out what they're meant to do. You already know you're a healer."

"The elemental professor said that too," Trevon admitted.

"He's just looking for an outlet to use his mana." said Russ, catching each of them by surprise. "You healers spend all your time working in theory you don't really do anything."

"Well that's not true," Nicki muttered but gave no basis for her retort.

"He's completely new to magic, at least with an elemental course he can try something without hurting anyone."

Nicki licked frosting from her fingers, "You caused an earthquake and sent Grandpa Renji to the hospital."

"I was twelve,"

"He had a concussion."

"Anyway, it's always good to have one elemental skill on hand. Not to mention the human body is primarily made up of water so maybe it'll come in handy in your healing courses."

Nicki gave an encouraging pat on the back of Trevon's shoulder. "Do you remember the steps?"

Russ put his glass in the centre of the table, the water inside fill it halfway and he smiled. "Oh yes, let's see your first attempt."

Still buzzing from what he'd learned Trevon took the challenge. Putting his sandwich down he rubbed his hands together, and took a deep breath to calm his nerves. Reaching out his hand, fingers together, he stiffly moved it up and down in small motions while focusing on the cup of water - nothing happened.

Shaking his hand Trevon tried again to focus on what the professor had said. Water has a force all on its own. He had simply has to reach out with his mana and use what was already there. The gentle push and pull of the current.


"Loosen your wrist." Russ mumbled bring Trevon's attempt to an abrupt halt. "I really don't like being a teacher but I can't just watch. Loosen your wrist. It's not an elevator movement it's like a small wave."

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