Chapter Thirty-Five: ARI

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It took some time for her eyes to adjust. Squinting, she was able to spot the illuminated signs that lead her to the transport destined for Kiev. Tucked away in a corner and quite separated from everything else. The shelter from the wind and snow was more than a relief, it was heaven. Stripping the coat from her body Ari followed the bundle of rags that was her temporary guardian. He picked a safe corner seat, away from the window, and practically melted into it. She easily did the same.

Only a handful of people got on board with them. They too shed their heavy coats at the welcomed shelter. Knowing Farris was not going to be one for conversation Ari turned her attention to her personal, until the transport lunged at departure.

Other passengers were picked up at stops along the way through Tarkoy. Ari paid little attention to the people around her, and they did likewise. After one last stop on the edge of the city, the transport increased its speed and took off down the magnetized track. The blizzard had lessened in intensity. Snow whipped by the window, but Ari could see forest trees bending in the wind. Pulling the strangers coat into her lap she started to wish it had come with pants of the same material.

"Your first time on Melvin?"

Ari looked up. A different young man stood in the aisle, bright smile beamed across dark skin. This one was perhaps three years older than the last, but what really bothered her was how obvious it was to everyone this was her first time.

She glanced at the pile of rags beside her, Farris hadn't so much as twitched from his safe place, which meant the conversation was entirely hers to engage in.

"Yes," she replied, looking back down at the coat in her hands, he decided to sit on the opposite bench. With over a decade of experience in being watched (though it had mostly been to make sure she stayed out of trouble), Ari could sense his brown eyes studying how she folded her arms across her body to keep from being touched, as much as to warm her skin.

She bit back the impulse to snap at him. Surely there were more interesting things to look at on the transport. Then again, all the things that fascinated her were probably normal to him, and the way she looked was closer to resembling the remains of a disposal unit.

She cleared her throat hoping that would hint her discomfort.

He chuckled, "I'm sorry for staring. You just seem uncomfortable."

She lifted her chin to look at him. The glance she'd managed before gave her a brief idea of what he looked like, this time she took in his full attire. He'd removed his large coat showing a pressed jacket baring the military insignia on the chest.

Ari's eyes widened, "You're from the Academy?"

His expression flushed with surprise, his smile stretching out across his face again showing his surprisingly white teeth. Must be from a planet, she thought. Trevon always said their dental plans were much more effective.

He pointed to his duffel in response; the standard-issue bag had the traditional Military badge on it and rank tags hanging off the zipper. "Corporal," she added quickly fighting the urge to stand and salute.

He laughed, "I'm off duty. Besides, you don't look old enough to be a cadet." He kept his hand out as Ari settled back into her seat.

"Technically I'm not. But I have my connections. As soon as I'm done here late enrollment is my next destination."

"Impressive. I'll accept your official salute when that happens. However late enrollments at your age are rare, unless you have some connections in the military you're better off waiting until your old enough."

She shrugged, "I have a fighting a chance." She left it at that, deciding it was better not to mention a General now owed her for almost getting her killed.

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