Chapter Sixteen: OFFICER INSERT

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Clint stood at the large picture window which looked out across the star specked universe. Usually a beautiful sight today he found it cold and void of hope. He leaned his head onto his fingertip, which rubbed at the frustration just above his left eyebrow. In spite of his hard expression, his eyes shook with worry. Only through deliberate steady breathing did he manage to keep it under cautious control.

Without a word and not much of a sound, a woman with vibrant red hair stepped beside him. Her perfect posture placed her height even with his own. With arms sternly folded in front of her she focused her blue eyes ahead, beholding the same view.

Moments passed as they stood in silence.

Clint swallowed, "I lead battalions of soldiers into battle. Train stubborn men and women. Strategized and taken down some of humanities worst beings in this era." He breathed to keep his voice steady, "I will find her."

The woman responded with silence.

"I mean. She's okay?" he gave a slanted look over his shoulder. "Right?"

She returned his gaze but didn't crank her neck to do so. No, the uniformed Commander turned her whole upper body to face him, tilting her head she starred before her eyebrows lifted in a sarcastic expression which he knew well.

Clearing his throat Clint nodded and turned back to the scene ahead. The white stars somehow felt like ice pulsing into his body. "Just hold off on the I told you so speech until I find her."

She took a deep breath, and after slowly releasing it she replied, "Deal." Clint felt a small glimmer of relief through it but was still dominated by worry. "In the meantime," the Commander started. Still facing forward she leaned toward Clint and in a low voice finished, "you need to tell her brother."

As his friend and Commanding Officer turned to leave, Clint sunk to the floor in a moment of defeat. His 40 plus year old knees cracked under the weight, his arms wrapped around his head, and he released his fear and frustration out in tight moan.

"Petty Officer Harrow." He called to his Secretary. The younger woman with springs for hair stepped to attention behind him. "Get me dispatch on Melvin."

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