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Wooyoung and San. Neighbors since birth. Their families hate each other. One always tries to be better than the other, they always fight over the tiniest things! That all should mean Wooyoung and San hate each other too, right?

Exactly! They hate each other's guts. And the fact they have to attend the same school? They hate that even more.

The worst part is, their rooms line up. They open their window and right across they can see the other. Very annoying as they say.

That's the story of just them. Here's their solo story:

Wooyoung is a fucking brat. He's spoiled as hell and won't stop whining until he gets what he wants. One of the reasons why he's obsessed with aegyo.

San... fuck how much he hates that. The amount of times San punched Wooyoung for doing aegyo you asked? Too many times to count.

And yeah, they hate each other so much that they've gotten in trouble so many times for beating the shit out of each other. Their parents get called but they never gave a crap either. One parent always praised their kid for winning while the other one gets yelled at for losing which... is mostly Wooyoung who loses but he's won a few times! If they have fought 15 times, Wooyoung probably won at least one...

At least it's not none though!

Anyways, they were getting ready for school currently. The second they saw each other through each other's window, they ended up closing it before proceeding to do what they needed to do for school.

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"Woo, Woo! Wooyoung!" Seonghwa yelled out.

Wooyoung let out a groan in annoyance, taking out his earbuds. "What?"

Seonghwa crossed his arms. "Excuse me? Speak to me in respect and respect only."

Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry, Mom."

Seonghwa nodded, preferring that over disrespect. "Either way, Yeosang is in a fight."

Wooyoung nodded. "I hope he wins. Can I go back to work now?" He put his earbuds back in after those words.

Seonghwa took one earbud out. Before Wooyoung could complain, Seonghwa spoke. "It's San and his friends."

Wooyoung got up in anger. "That freaking-." He quickly followed Seonghwa out. The second they got outside, all it was was punch after punch, kick after kick, and bruises after bruises. Poor Wooyoung got the most hits.

Up until they got caught. They all immediately stopped, completely used to the fact they would have to go home early and have a talk with their parents. They talk they mostly get...

"Sannie! We got a call. Did you win?" San's mom asked.

San nodded as his dad gave him a high five. "Who did you fight with?"

San rolled his eyes. "That dumb human who's as weak as a puppy. Wooyoung."

His parents were shocked. "You guys are at the same uni?" His dad asked.

San nodded, sitting down on the dining table chair. "It's so annoying!"

His mom placed a hand on his shoulder. "At least you won. Let me get some cream for your bruises then I'll get you some food." She said.

His dad chuckled. "You have 2 bruises this time. Last time you had 4."

San smiled. "Next time I'll have none and Wooyoung will be at the hospital."

His parents smiled. "Usually I'd say you shouldn't say that but I hate that family so good job." His mom said.


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