"Wouldn't it just be easier to kill you now? My son won't be a faggot and you will be gone from everyone's life."

Wooyoung didn't know how but the man and Seonghwa didn't see him yet. Hands shaking, he slowly grabbed San's hands with his own and stared at him deep in his eyes. "Sannie, listen to me," He whispered. "I'm in Seonghwa's position, I got kidnapped, and you just saw me."

San was confused. "Huh? What do you mean?"

Wooyoung gulped. "What would you do if you saw that? Explain it with actions." He said.

San clenched up his fist and ran to the guy, pushing the gun out of his hands. Seonghwa was shocked. Yeosang and Yeonjun joined in as well, beating up the guy, not knowing there were two others in the room.

Wooyoung and Seonghwa stared down at each other. A single tear dripped down Seonghwa's face and plenty more were on Wooyoung's. They just stared at each other as the other 3 were fighting. They didn't know what was going on there at all.

Wooyoung stood there, not moving. He could've helped with the fight and make it four on one, he could've untied Seonghwa. Bloody, bloody Seonghwa.

But Wooyoung... couldn't. He couldn't get himself to move at all. He couldn't even move a fraction of his body. Not a single inch of it.

Suddenly, Yeonjun came over. "Ones down, I got his knife," He cut off Seonghwa's rope with the said knife. "And... a little help would be nice?" He said before getting onto the fight again.

Seonghwa stood up and slowly, very slowly walked over to Wooyoung before hugging him so tightly. "Oh, my God. How'd you find me? Younggie, how are you? Are you okay? How'd you get San to help us? Are you hurt? Are you-,"

"Half of those questions I should be asking you." Wooyoung cut off.

Seonghwa wiped off his tears. "I love you much. I missed you so much. These 2,880 minutes seemed so long and depressing to me, you don't even know."

"For me, these 172800 seconds of my life were the worst I've ever had." Wooyoung said.

Yeonjun and Yeosang came over with a sigh. "I remember asking for help not for you guys to quote Vice Versa." Yeonjun said.

Seonghwa walked over to Yeosang. He brushed his hair with his hands. "I missed you." He said.

Yeosang smiled. "I did too."

Yeonjun clapped his hands together. "Okay, shall we go? We've got school tomorrow."

The two nodded, waiting for San to stop beating up the already immobilized man as Seonghwa grabbed Wooyoung's arm. "Why is San here?" He asked.

Wooyoung looked at Seonghwa in shock. "He's literally killing someone for you. You should thank him for this small thing. You can go back to hating him when we get to Seoul." He said.

Seonghwa sighed. "I'm saying why. I don't care what he did but last time I saw him, he was beating the crap out of us."

Oh, so he walked on me jerking off to him. Even I don't know why I did that but I did. One thing led to another and we became pretty active even though it's just two days. Due to the fact we keep fucking, we got hella close.

That's... what actually happened. Wooyoung obviously can't say that though. He smiled, fixing up Seonghwa's shirt. "Ddeonghwa, let's all be friends just for a bit. Half an hour drive to the train station then a one hour way back to Seoul. Let's go."

Wooyoung looked to the side and saw that San was still beating up the helpless man even though Yeosang and Yeonjun keep yelling at him to stop. He said and grabbed San's hand with so much force. "Stop. And yes, I'm telling you what to do. You killed him already, what more can you want?" Wooyoung said.

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