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It was the most uncomfortable dinner of your life, but you got through it just fine. The Rector didn't initiate conversation and you weren't about to speak unless spoken to, so the two of you just ate in silence. Once you were finished eating, you awkwardly played on your phone while she nonchalantly swirled her glass of red wine, occasionally taking a sip.

A little before two in the morning, she finally stood up with a sigh. "Looks like it's just you tonight." Her tone was unreadable. Could you have disappointed her already? "Follow me."

She led you out the back entrance, where a black SUV was idling by the curbside. As she approached, a man climbed out of the driver's seat and opened the door. She motioned for you to get into the empty backseat. Once you were in, she slid in after you. You didn't know how she could be so graceful in that skin-tight plastic slip, but she managed.

In such close quarters, you could smell her perfume with every inhale. Her scent was one of fresh linens, with notes of lavender and vanilla. While it wasn't what you expected, it was very soothing.

"What's your address?" She asked, interrupting that train of thought.

You stiffened, suddenly worried for the wellbeing of your family. "Why do you need my address?"

"I need to drop you off somewhere. Home seems like the safest spot."

"But I'm ready to go right now!"

"No can do," The Rector said with a shake of the head that rustled her perfect curls. "Preparations need to be made. Shouldn't take more than a week. Here..." Then she pulled a smartphone out of her left boot and unceremoniously tossed it into your lap. "Give me your number. We'll keep in touch."

You turned the phone around and around in your hands, picking at the edges of the matte black case like you planned to take it off. "What if something happens to me before then?"

"Nothing's going to happen to you." Her apathy annoyed the shit out of you. This was your life she was gambling with!

Your nerves got the better of you at that moment. "You don't know that!" You borderline shrieked.

She froze for a second, likely in shock, before turning to you with the most venomous glare you'd ever seen on a human being. "You do not talk to me like that," she seethed, voice as chilling as dry ice. "Do you understand? I'll give you a free pass this one time, because you're young and dumb. If it happens again, though, your stalker will be the least of your worries."

Unable to meet her eye, you stared down at the cellphone in your lap. Your lower lip was wobbling and your vision swam with unshed tears. "I'm sorry," you whimpered. "I'm just so scared."

All was quiet in the car for a minute, before The Rector eventually sighed. You flinched back --bracing yourself for a blow-- as she reached toward you. But she didn't hit you. Instead, she grasped your chin and turned it so you were forced to face her.

"Nothing's going to happen to you." She didn't sound apathetic anymore. If anything, it sounded like she was making a promise. "I will make sure of it. Okay?" She only released you after you gave her a timid nod. "Okay. Now focus. First the address, then the phone number."


You did your very best to keep a low profile, avoid leaving the house as much as possible. You quit your part-time job shortly before the start of summer vacation.

Oh, and your high school diploma arrived in the mail. That was fun. You didn't tell your parents, just added it to your stockpile of important documents.

You didn't have the money or the grades to get into university. Your test scores plummeted after the death of your friend, and you were never really able to get back on track with the material. Your teachers --mostly yanderes-- weren't the most sympathetic. They thought you ought to be desensitized to violence by now.

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