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You received a call from The Rector the very next day, early in the morning. It actually served as a wake-up call. While you didn't recognize the number, you answered it on instinct.

"Hello?" You said, speech slurred with drowsiness.

"Good morning, Y/N," she answered. There was no inflection in her voice. She was as cool as a living ice sculpture. "I hope you slept well, given the day you had yesterday."

You slowly sat up, knuckled your eyes with the hand not holding the phone. "It was certainly... Eventful. Is it time?"

"No, not yet. There's a few things that must be settled before I can move you to the safe house. First thing first, do you own a measuring tape?"

"Um, I think so?" There had to be one in your mother's sewing kit.

"Good. I need you to take all your measurements and text them to me when you're done. If you don't know how to get accurate readings, look it up online. Understand?"

You had no clue why she would need your measurements, but it was easier to go along rather than to ask questions. "Understood."

"Good, good. Now, tell me, what do you do in your spare time?"

"Like, my hobbies and stuff?"


"Well, I read a lot of webnovels, along with manhwas and manga. I watch a little anime. I play videogames. Do those count?" They weren't really impressive. You'd dabbled in more productive pastimes but never really stuck to them. God, she must think you were so lazy.

"Okay, we can work with that. Are you familiar with the gamer girl aesthetic?"

"Kinda?" You'd watched a Twitch stream or two in your time.

"I think it might be a good aesthetic for you to adopt. Having a unified look will make marketing easier. Speaking of marketing, social media will play a big part in that as well. Delete your current accounts and make new ones. Do you have any ideas for a new username, one that matches your aesthetic?"

You let out a little huff at that demand. You understood making new accounts, but why did you have to destroy your existing ones? Still, you didn't argue.

"I dunno. Maybe Y/N-senpai?"

"No. It can't contain your real name. It's supposed to be a pseudonym, something to add another level of anonymity."

That was understandable. You didn't want to give your followers clues to finding you. It would be one big headache. "Okay... How about fanime, because I'm a fan of anime? Or kawaiicutie, because I'm supposed to be cute?" The key words there were supposed to be.

She hummed into your ear, as if weighing the two options in her head. "I like the sound of kawaiicutie. You can go by Cu for short." The corners of your mouth quirked upwards. The word kawaii sounded funny when said so seriously. She continued, "That's all for now. I'll get in touch with you if I have anything else that must be discussed. Save this number."

"Wait!" You said before she could hang up on you.

"Yes? If you have any questions, there will be time to answer them later. I'm busy making preparations for your arrival at the moment." Impatience was clear in her tone.

"I just wanted to know what to save your number under."

There was a brief beat of silence before she sighed and offered, "Giovanna. Giovanna Romano. My associates call me Gio. Now, is there anything else? Anything that can't wait?"


"Good. Right now the plan is to pick you up on Saturday. Say your goodbyes and get ready to leave your old life behind. I'll see you soon."

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