꒰ 18 ꒱

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Somehow, you woke up in your bed, which smelled strongly of talc, lavender, and vanilla, in a pair of pink pajamas, at almost noon...

That was discerning for three --maybe four-- reasons.

One, it meant you fell asleep early into the movie last night and Giovanna must have carried you to bed. Not the scariest of your realizations, but still worth noting.

Two, you hadn't slept alone, seeing how strongly the sheets smelled of a certain mobster's signature perfume. It was embarrassing how quickly you remembered it from that first car ride.

Three, she changed your clothes while you slept. You weren't in your pajamas when you fell asleep on the couch. How had you not woken up in the process? You must have been all but dead to the world.

And, lastly, four, you'd slept over twelve hours. Why? It wasn't like you were lacking sleep, what with your new self-made schedule.

"What the hell happened?" You thought aloud to yourself, your voice hoarse from slumber. Your only answer was a dark, empty, quiet room. You casually rubbed the sleep out of your eyes before grabbing your phone and laying back down. Somehow you still felt a little drowsy. But you needed answers.

You sent out a quick message to your friends, asking discretely if Giovanna ever made surprise visits to their apartments.

Gworl was the first to message you back. "Oooh, lucky! She spent the night, didn't she? What kind of stuff did the two of you get up to?"

You blinked twice before typing out a reply. "Just dinner and a movie. I fell asleep really early in the evening, too. Does she do," you paused here, wracking your brain for the right thing to say, "more with you?"

"Oh, yeah! We have the nastiest, freakiest sex." Then, as you were reeling from that discovery, another message came in. "I mean, we're entirely different people by the end of the first eight hours. I looove the kind of woman who can actually just kill me."

"Stop, stop! I don't wanna know any more!"

As you begged for less details about Gworl's sex life, a message from Mac came in.

"Yes. She drops in as often as she can, given the sheer number of e-darlings she manages. I... Strongly dislike her visits."

That was interesting. "Why?" You asked in return.

"She feels entitled to the company, even though she's an uninvited guest. Also, she knows I'll try to usher her out the door before I retire for the evening, so she always drugs my food." That would explain your fourteen-hour nap, scarily enough. "She acts like it's all for our own good... But, personally? I think she just likes to hold something warm and soft without it making a fuss."

You bit your lip as you sent back, "Thanks for telling me all this in confidence."

"What confidence? You know she reads all our messages, right? Or pays someone to read them for her and provide a summary of everything we're saying. Probably the former, though. She's very hands-on." Giovanna was, admittedly, a control freak. "Next time, ask something of her before your head hits the pillow. If she's in a good enough mood, she'll grant your request."

Aun never replied back, which was unlike her. You laid in bed for over an hour, waiting for a message that never came, wondering how and what she was doing.


that's all I have written of this story for now. just know that, when it comes back, it'll come back STRONG. ᕦ(ò_ó)ᕤ I know I did a lot of world-building and development of side-characters in these first few chapters, but most of the rest will focus on the interactions and relationship between Cu and Gio.

Electronic Darling || Yandere!Mobster X F!Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن