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You didn't realize just how much you enjoyed your time with Aun until it was time for her to leave.

"Can't you stay a little longer?" You asked, clasping your hands together under your chin and looking at her beseechingly. "We haven't even cut into the cake yet!"

She shook her head, already using the edge of the table to leverage herself out of her seat. "I'm sorry, but I must go. Miss Romano said I was allowed to visit for a maximum of two hours."

That was oddly specific. Which begged the question... "Why is that?"

"Another girl will be coming soon, and Miss Romano doesn't like more than two e-darlings alone in a room at any time," she said. Then, in a quiet voice barely louder than a murmur, "She thinks we'll start trouble."

You wanted to know why that was, if there was a story behind the instatement of that rule, but she was already halfway to the door. Instead, you hurriedly asked, "When can we get together next?"

Aun stood in front of the door but didn't move to open it yet. Rather, she turned to look back at you with a sad little smile. "We can message each other and have video calls. My username is aunaturel, just so you know. But this will probably be the last time we meet in person."

That threw you for a loop. "I don't understand." You understood why you couldn't leave the building, but why weren't you allowed to leave your apartments? Why isolate you to such an extent? You already saw yourself going touch-starved and stir-crazy in the near future.

"You don't always have to understand Miss Romano's rules. You just need to follow them. Don't be a troublemaker, Cu. Remember that your actions don't just affect you, but all of us."

With that cryptic message, she was gone, out the door and down the hallway, leaving you blinking in confusion. Was that a warning she gave all upstarts, or did you specifically look like you were going to cause mischief? Maybe you asked too many hard questions.

You tried not to think about it as you prepared for the arrival of the next girl. After taking the kettle off the stove, you hastily returned to your bedroom to change out of your nightgown.

Five minutes later, you were dressed in a cashmere cable-knit sweater and a pink plaid pinafore. You looked high and low but couldn't find a single pair of pants anywhere. The Convent was surprisingly cold considering that summer had just begun. So you eventually settled on a pair of knee-high socks for some added warmth.

Before you could decide on shoes, there was another knock at the door.

Now that you were expecting someone, you didn't waste time peeking out the peephole or through a chained gap, instead just opting to open the door.

There stood a girl all dressed in brown tweed, like she just stepped off the campus of a 1940s prep school. She had a peachy pink complexion, big brown eyes, and curly pageboy hair in platinum blond.

When she saw you, her eyes nearly bugged out from behind her glasses. "Good lord," she said. "How old are you?"

You couldn't quite suppress your scowl. You knew you were dressed awfully cutesy, but, again, you weren't a child! "I'm eighteen," you groused.

"That is young," she replied. "That is very, very young. They keep getting younger, though. Soon enough Romano is going to be robbing the cradle."

"It's nice to meet you, too."

She blinked, readjusted her spectacles before forcing a smile. "Ah. I fear we may have gotten off on the wrong foot. My name is Mac. You're Cu, correct?"

"Mac, huh? Is that your real name?" You asked, just 'cause you were feeling like being a little shit.

Her right eye twitched, but she kept her grin plastered on. "No, of course not. It comes from my username, regmachiavelli. May I come in?"

You let out a little huff but moved far enough out of the doorway that she could walk inside.

"Wow," she muttered, staring into the depths of your apartment like she was looking for meaning in the cosmos. "That is a lot of pink."

God, you were thiiis close to snapping and tossing her out, help be damned. "Are you always this judgemental, or is it just my lucky day?"

"I'm sorry. It's just... A lot to take in. You must be feeling the same thing right now, are you not?"

You were feeling a little overwhelmed. Still, you didn't want to admit it. So instead you just shrugged sulkily, shifting your weight back and forth between your feet.

"That's normal. Luckily, I'm here to help! I write and draw. I'm here to help you with your first script. And! I plan to draw you on one of my art livestreams this week."

"Why would you do that?"

"For two reasons! One, because helping a new colleague is the right thing to do... And two, because Romano told me to. It's half of one and two-quarters of the other."

"Alright," you sighed. As much as you wanted to kick Mac out right this second, you honestly had no idea where to begin when it came to writing scripts. If she could write the first one for you while teaching you the ropes, then you would put up with her snooty attitude for a little while longer.

She nodded, obviously as eager to get this done as you were.

Soon enough, the two of you were seated in the study: you in the desk chair and her on the daybed. You'd offered her tea and cake, but she refused. Politely, too, for once.

"Now, do you have an idea for your first script?" She asked.

"I talked to Aun and she told me to do three scripts: one tailored to each type of yandere."

"Aun's a smart girl! What do you have in mind for each type specifically?"

"I... Didn't get that far."

"Have you taken a look around the website yet, to see what's most popular?"

"Not yet... Should I do that now?" You clicked the mouse to wake up the desktop. Cloud Nine was right where you left it on the main monitor, still open to the homepage

Mac let out a little sigh through her nose, obviously disappointed in you but unwilling to just say it. You were suddenly reminded of your mother.

She hadn't tried to call or text you, even though you didn't come home last night. You'd thought she'd at least make an effort to help, should you ever get kidnapped, but it seemed you were wrong.

Giovanna hadn't said that you had to cut contact with your family, but she had said she was getting you a new phone soon. Likely ones with games and social media but not your saved contacts.

Before you could fall any further down that rabbit hole, Mac said, "We don't have that sort of time. I'll just tell you some trends right now and you can decide whether or not you want to follow them. I mean, it would be in your best interest to do so, but I'm not the boss of you. Then again, Romano is, and she expects results.

"Sooo... For obsessives, do a love confession video. Make it romantic as shit, but vague enough that they can pretend you're confessing to them as an individual rather than them as a type. Feed into their delusions.

"Possessives are harder to please. They don't really care if you love them back. At the end of the day, they just want to own you. They're none too happy when they have to share. Try out a rant video, talking about your shitty imaginary family and friends.

"Now, protectives... We don't get a lot of them on the site, but the ones we do have are usually cash cows. Protectives need to feel needed. I recommend a reverse comfort video. Sob into the microphone, stress how bad you are at taking care of yourself."

Here, Mac paused for a second. Before she had been lost in thought, but now she was looking to you. "Are you writing any of this down?" She asked.

You hadn't been. You grabbed a pen and a pad of paper from your Sailor Moon themed stationary set and started jotting down the important bits. "Love confession, rant, reverse comfort. Got it!"

"Good. Now, let's get started on the scripts themselves..."

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