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"You've lost your cooking privileges," Giovanna said once everything was said and done. "Stick to delivery."

You didn't protest, just followed her back to the kitchen, all but trailing after her like a puppy. A kicked puppy. As she went back to cooking, you sat down at the kitchen table to watch her work. She moved like a dancer. There was almost no wasted motion. Which begged the question...

"Where did you learn to cook?" You asked.

"The family taught me a number of recipes that have been passed on from generation to generation," she answered, chopping up an onion without a single tear in her eyes.

"The Family or your family?"

"It doesn't matter. They're one and the same."

"So you were born into this life?"

Giovanna turned around --eyes narrowed and expression stern-- and wagged her knife at you. "You're going down a dangerous line of questioning."

The threatening gesture made you start to sweat at first, but then a realization struck you. "Who do you think I'm going to tell?"

Once that sunk in, her form got a little less tense. She just looked at you for God knows how long before sighing and turning back to the cutting board. "Yes, for your information, I am a made man."

"Even though you're a woman?"

You could practically hear her eyes roll back in her head. "Yes. Obviously. The term comes from before women were formally introduced into the ranks."

"Speaking of ranks, what is yours?"

"Why do you ask?" Giovanna sounded more exasperated than anything else.

"Because I wanna know." To be more specific, you wanted to know what --or, rather, who-- you were working with.

"That curiosity is going to get you killed," she warned you. "You probably only got this far in life because you're pretty."

"You think I'm pretty?"

A sigh, and then, "If you must know, there's no formal position for what I am. I'm not at the top, but I'm nowhere near the bottom. I could be underboss if I wanted to, but I've politely declined the promotion."

That certainly raised more questions than it answered. But your biggest follow-up was... "Why?"

"The role of underboss is mostly a managerial one. I wouldn't be able to run my own rackets... Which means the e-darling operation --which I thought up and founded-- would be in someone else's hands. Call me a control freak, but I can't have that."

You hummed. "Sounds like this operation is your baby."

That's when Giovanna turned around --all the way around this time, not just a brief glance over her shoulder-- to look at you. Leaning back, elbows on the counter, she said, "It would be more appropriate to say you, the e-darlings, are my babies." Your jaw went slack, but your brain couldn't think up anything --well, anything coherent-- to say to that. Not that she gave you much time to reply. "Anyway, dinner's served."

Eating at the kitchen table sounded awkward as fuck. So you stood up, spoke up. "Why don't we watch TV while we eat? I'll put on The Sopranos and--"

"No. Sit your ass back down. Food is meant to be enjoyed, not mindlessly shoveled into your face while staring at a screen."

So that's what you did.

The spaghetti and meatballs were delicious, of course. Her homemade sauce was better than any jarred one you'd ever tried before in your whole entire life, and you told her as much. The conversation was lacking, though. Getting her to talk about anything more than work --your work in particular-- was like pulling teeth.

You inhaled your pasta at double speed just to get dinner over and done with.

"Sopranos time!" You cheered once she eventually pushed her plate away as well.


"The Godfather?"


After much back-and-forth, which mostly consisted of you suggesting something mob-related and Giovanna saying no, the two of you settled on... A Sailor Moon movie?

"Sailor Moon R: The Movie?" You said, glancing between her and the screen several times.

"It's a movie from my childhood," she explained as she flipped off the lights, plunging the living room into darkness. Her expression was unreadable even before that, though. "Something about Fiore's love for Mamoru... Awakened something in me."

Was she talking about her nature as a yandere? If so, you weren't going to touch that topic with a ten-foot pole. You were still clinging onto this fantasy where she was one of the few uninfected in a position of power, running this program out of the kindness of her heart, for the good of her fellow darlings. A girl could dream, couldn't she?

"What's the R stand for?" You asked, stupidly.

She shrugged. "Return, romance, rose... Who knows?" Then she took a seat. It should have been quite the unremarkable thing, sitting down, but it was where she sat down that made all your hair stand up on end.

She sat next to you. Not just on the same sofa! So close that the two of you were practically sharing a cushion. If that wasn't enough, she casually rested her arm on the back of the couch, behind your head.

You stared at her incredulously. She met your gaze with narrowed eyes, almost daring you to say anything, to ask her to move. In the end, you said nothing and she redirected her attention to the screen.

At a loss, you turned on the movie but barely paid any attention to it. For the life of you, you couldn't get comfortable. It got so bad that you wondered if this was Purgatory or the Tenth Circle of Hell or something. It certainly felt like a punishment.

"Stop squirming!" She snapped at last. And, after steeling your spine, you did.

This is going to be a nightmare, you thought.

Thankfully, it didn't last long. Almost despite yourself and definitely despite all your anxieties, you suddenly felt incredibly tired. Your blinks grew longer and longer until you eventually slipped into unconsciousness.

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