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Thanks to Mac, you were able to get the barebones of all three scripts done in your two hour time allotment. She was pretty rude upon your first meeting but it seemed, like Aun, she really wanted to help you.

"If I were you, I'd post all three in the same week, as a constant in your experiment to see which type of yandere you attract."

"Wouldn't that be a lot of work? I still don't even know how to use the necessary software and hardware," you said, gesturing vaguely to the microphone and webcam as well as your computer.

"It's not too difficult," she said with a shrug. "Ask whoever visits next to help you make a test video. To be honest, after writing scripts, it's the editing process that takes the longest amount of time. That's why so many girls would rather just livestream. Of course, then you have to deal with chat."

That didn't sound so bad. "What's wrong with chat?"

"Video comments you can ignore, because they're pay-per-view. But, during livestreams, viewers who tip can send you direct messages. If you ignore those, they'll stop tipping and livestreaming isn't worth your time. You'd be surprised what kind of shit they say, though."

"Really?" You debated leaving it at that, but curiosity ate at you. "What's the worst thing someone said to you on stream?"

Mac winced. "God, there's too many to choose from... I mainly attract possessives, and they're just the worst. Luckily, they're usually too busy waging bidding wars against each other to address me at all. But when they do, they usually want to tell me one of their most fucked-up fantasies. Word of advice! If that happens to you, just smile and nod."

You couldn't blame her for not wanting to expound on her bad experiences. All you could do was cross your fingers and hope that you didn't have to specialize in possessive yanderes. Or just stick to videos.

With that final piece of guidance, Mac departed. This time, though, there was another girl already waiting in the hallway.

Her skin was the color of burnt umber. It really made her green eyes pop. The enormous false lashes she had on helped, though. She wore a full face of glam makeup, but every element of it was on point. Her hair was black and styled in box braids, piled up in a bun high atop her head.

She was dressed in a pair of black high-waisted hot pants that fit her like a second skin and a crop top that was nothing more than a net of gold and crystals. With no bra underneath.

You felt the blood rush to your face after you made the mistake of looking down. You quickly snapped your gaze back up to her face, but the smirk she wore let you know she'd noticed.

Before you could die of embarrassment, the new girl redirected her attention to Mac.

"Mac, baby! How have you been? You haven't been answering my messages!" She dropped the small black bag she was carrying and threw her arms around the blonde's shoulders, smashing their mouths together in what looked like more of a headbutt than a kiss. It looked painful.

The noises that Mac was making let everyone know she was not enjoying herself. Eventually, she managed to squeeze her arms between their bodies and pry herself away from the interloper.

"Gworl! How many times do I have to tell you not to greet me like that?"

"At least one more," Gworl --what kind of name was that?-- answered.

In an effort to draw her attention away from Mac, you said, "Hi," and gave her an awkward little wave.

It worked. But maybe that was a mistake, though, like waving a red flag in front of a bull. She examined you from head to toe... And immediately burst out laughing.

"Be nice!" The blonde hissed. Her first impression hadn't been good, but at least she didn't actively make a mockery of you. "It's not like she dressed herself. These are all clothes Romano picked out for her." Nevermind.

"I'm sorry! It's not a bad look. You're so adorable that I just might eat you up like cherry pie!" She cooed, smooshing your face behind her hands. Her fingernails were long, blood red, and sharpened to points. You didn't like them so close to your eyes.

You made a garbled noise of protest, but she'd already turned back to her friend. Wait... Were they even friends? "She's in good hands! You can go, babe. Just remember to message me back once you get back to your apartment."

Mac looked conflicted, but Gworl just kicked her bag into the apartment, stepped inside, and closed the door in her face.

"Hello there, beautiful! I'm Gworl, the beauty and brains behind the channel materialgworl. The pleasure's all yours!"

You took a step back in order to put some distance between the two of you, get her out of your personal bubble, before sticking out your hand. "It's nice to meet you." You didn't address her by name, knowing you would probably butcher it.

She took your hand but, instead of shaking it, she pulled you into a hug. "You're so cute!" She squealed. "You should go by Cutie instead of Cu!"

You struggled a little, but that only made her hold on tighter, until she was squeezing the air out of your lungs. Sensing resistance was futile, you went limp in her embrace. "Thanks for the suggestion? But I think I'll stick with Cu for now. Are you here to help me make my first video?"

Once you stopped fighting, she let you go, held you at arm's length so she could get another good look at you. "That's right! But first we have to make some adjustments to your appearance."

"What's wrong with my appearance?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all. You look... Greeeat." The tone she used made you think otherwise. "It's just-- Imagine how much better you'd look with a little highlighter... A pair of falsies... A lot of blush..."

"I'd rather stick to learning the tech I need to do my job."

"Ha! No. I can leave any time I want. If you don't play with me, I'm not helping."

You couldn't help but scowl. If that was true, though... "How long is this going to take?"

"Less than fifteen minutes, so long as you do everything I say and don't complain. I'm going to videotape the process, too, so you can recreate the look later, when you're on your own. After that, I'll help you film, edit, and post a practice video. Deal?"

What choice did you really have? "Deal," you grumbled.

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