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You decided you'd had enough for one day. You closed out of the website, resolved not to do any more work until tomorrow.

Instead of polishing off the scripts, you made your way to the bathroom to wash off the cake on your face. You looked between the sink and the shower for an extended amount of time.

You couldn't avoid bathing forever. Your scalp was getting oily and you were just beginning to smell yourself. You didn't smell bad per se --not yet, at least-- but you did smell... Human.

With a sigh, you left the bathroom, only to return with a fresh nightgown and clean underwear in hand. It was a little weird wearing underwear that someone else bought for you.

Everything came in sets, too. Not in the sense these panties came in a pack of five, but rather there was a matching bra for each pair of panties. All the lingerie fit your chosen aesthetic, too.

Did they think you were going to be stripping on stream? Because, if that was the case, they were wrong.

You ignored the camera as best as you could with it staring down at you from above the shower head, nearly boiled yourself alive by turning the hot water valve all the way up in the hopes that the steam would cloud up the glass dome encasing it.

Once the shower door was shut behind you, shielding your naked form from view, you could finally relax again. As an act of self-care, you even slathered yourself down with lotion from head to toe. You could practically hear your skin thank you.

Dinner was instant ramen cup, followed by a dessert in the form of a sizable slice of Aun's strawberry cake. You flipped through social media as you ate, sending friend requests to and following everyone you met that day.

After you'd all but licked the plate clean of crumbles, a call came in... From Giovanna.

You answered on the second ring, fearful of the consequences that delaying or ignoring her call may bring about. "Hello?"

"Hello, Cu. How was your day?"

It was such a simple, polite question, but, for some reason, it was the last thing you expected. "Good. Very productive."

"Very productive for someone who woke up at noon, you mean," she hummed from the other end of the receiver.

Your face flushed while your hands and feet went cold. "How do you know about that?" You asked, your voice wavering.

"I've told you before and I'll tell you again: don't play dumb. It's not cute. You know how." You glanced up at the kitchen camera. "Smile, sweetheart."

"So you're the one watching me?"

"I'm not omniscient," Giovanna scoffed. "I can't watch over two dozen e-darlings at one time. I just check in every once in a while on special occasions."

"So the footage is live?"

"Yes and no. It's recorded for posterity, as well. Just in case something interesting happens."

"Define interesting." Was your shower interesting enough to warrant being recorded? You had to know.

Sadly, she wasn't keen on telling you. "No, I don't think I will," she said. "I have more important things to do. Now, is your first darling roleplay script complete?"

You dragged your teeth over your lower lip before answering, "It's mostly done." You weren't lying. Not exactly. The barebones of it were done, at least. "I just need to flesh it out a bit more, then revise and record."

"Remember to take a cute photo for the thumbnail too. Gworl taught you a thing or two about makeup, didn't she?"

You didn't say anything, just nodded.

Giovanna must still be watching you, because she replied, "Good. Makeup is a learned skill, so practice every day. I'll know if you don't, and I won't be happy. I saw she also recorded a video of you. Have that edited and uploaded by tomorrow night."

As much as you didn't want to argue with her, you just had to speak up. "I'd rather not. It... It didn't turn out super well."

"It doesn't have to be perfect. Your channel goes live tomorrow morning. You need something besides promotional pictures for users to look at. Unless you want to rush production for something else, just post the video taken today."

You felt your entire frame sag under the weight of her expectations. "O-- Okay."

"Alright. Goodnight, Cu. Call or text me if something comes up." With that, she hung up. Still, you found yourself staring up at the kitchen camera for minutes afterward, wondering if or when a blind eye would be turned to you.

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