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2.3K 188 16

You did as you were told, because what else could you do? You posted the dance video. Even with its release, your page was still relatively bare. But you found, by the end of your first day, you had exactly thirty-two fans. You were pretty impressed with yourself... Until you started visiting other pages, that was.

The other most recent was bigtittiegothgf, who had only been on the site for twenty-two days but had somehow amassed a following of over a hundred thousand fans. Probably due to the fact she not only posted a video --an explicit video, it seemed from the thumbnails-- every day but also streamed on top of that.

It was obvious you got what you put in with Cloud Nine. The question was... How much of yourself were you willing to dedicate to it? You supposed that depended on the success of these first four videos.

Before you returned to your scripts, you navigated to Aun, Mac, and Gworl's pages. Aun had the least number of fans at nine million and Gworl had the most at twenty-eight million, with Mac middling at fifteen million. They'd all been on the site for months if not years, though. There was no way you could compare.

It turned out that Mac was currently streaming. Seeing as streams --unlike videos-- were free, you decided to drop in. It turned out she was sketching. Not just anything, either. You.

"-- Worried about her," she sighed as she zoomed in on sketch-you's head in order to add more movement to your hair. "She's a real lamb in the lion's den. So young, too. Only eighteen... Which I'm sure is a turn-on for some of you sickos. Again, her username is kawaiicutie. If you decide to visit her page, be nice. We talk sometimes. If I find out you're harassing her, I'll block you so fast."

That was actually really sweet of her, to plug you like that... Then you made the mistake of reading the chat. Ninety percent of the comments were threats of bodily harm against you. Someone even donated twenty dollars just to share an incredibly violent fantasy of you and Mac.

Heart beating in your chest like a drum, you were quick to close the tab after that, without waiting for her response.

Possessives, man. What a crazy bunch. You sure hoped you didn't attract them. That meant you had to put extra effort into your scripts for Obsessives and Protectives.

So you spent the better part of two hours finishing up the scripts for those two first before moving on to the third. You were tempted not to put any effort into the one for Possessives, you disliked them so much... But Giovanna would probably not be happy with that.

Once all the scripts were finished, edited and all, it was time to record. No point putting it off. Plus, it was unlikely that the first take would be your only take.

And you turned out to be right about that, which was unfortunate. You couldn't even make it through the first take. You kept stuttering, tripping over your words, and accidentally going off script.

Your tenth or eleventh --you kind of lost count-- recording was by far your best. Practice didn't make perfect, but it did make good enough. You still had a case of the stutters... But it was a love confession video, tailored specifically to Obsessives. You could afford to sound a bit nervous.

Happy with that, you moved onto the rant video. It sounded the most scripted of the three, almost robotic. You'd never had any drama with your friends, and you were absolutely not using your actual childhood trauma for views.

So you made up people and complained how much you hated them and wished it was just you and the --likely Possessive-- listener. It wasn't your best work, but it didn't have to be.

You were pretty proud of the reverse comfort video you made for Protectives, though. It was the longest of the three, likely due to the sheer amount of pauses before and after whimpers, hiccups, and little sobs.

As embarrassing as it was, you did honestly sound like someone who needed to be wrapped in a blanket and tucked away from the wickedness of this world.

Once you were done editing all the audios, you saved them to a special folder on your desktop before moving to the bathroom to put your face on. Couldn't take a picture for the thumbnail without your clown paint...

It was a sixteen-step process, starting with primer and ending with setting spray. Or at least it was sixteen steps if you did everything right the first time. But you had to wipe your makeup off twice because you'd applied too much product or applied it in the wrong place.

What was wrong with you today? It felt like every little thing you did, you did wrong.

You took, like, a dozen selfies in a variety of poses and a few different outfits for good measure. Now you just needed to pick one for the thumbnail and pick a date to post the new video. You knew just who to ask, too.

You sent a quick message to your fellow e-darlings --at least, the three you knew personally-- asking for their opinions. If they didn't reply back, you wouldn't be hurt. They probably had better things to do: growing their own fan bases or indulging in whatever hobbies that they could with the freedom at their disposal.

All three of them answered within the hour, despite it being a rather late hour. Their wording varied, but it all amounted to the same thing... The best time to post your next few videos would be Monday, Wednesday, Friday. It turned out that, much like regular people, yanderes sought out regular content to get them through the monotony of the work week.

Oh, and you should share your social media tags with them and upload all the pictures you'd taken there. They'd give you feedback as soon as those were posted.

You sent your thanks along with a long list of emojis to Aun and Gworl but didn't immediately end the conversation with Mac the same way. You weren't exactly sure how to broach the next topic you wanted to discuss, so you just came out and said it.

"I saw your stream today," you typed out, plain as day.

"Dear God," she answered, "how much did you hear? Or, read, rather?"

"I heard you say that you were worried about me."

"Yeah, well, I am. I lie to my fans a lot. It comes with the job of being an e-darling, but I was being honest that time."

You bit your lip, considered dropping the subject... But curiosity got the better of you. "Why are you so nice to me? We're practically strangers."

"And yet, we have one thing in common: we both made a deal with the devil for as much freedom as we could grab with two hands. And we're both paying for it."

You wanted to ask her what she meant, but, in a way, you already knew. Instead, you replied, "Thanks, Mac. You have no idea what this means to me."

"No, I have an idea. Good night, Cu. Sweet dreams."

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