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You spent a surprising amount of time on Cloud Nine. One could argue that you were casing out your competition, learning all the tricks of the trade, but that wasn't quite true. You weren't really processing anything you were seeing, just mindlessly scrolling and clicking like you would on social media.

You were most interested in the channels of people you knew, of course, but catching them streaming was tough.

Until, one day, you got lucky.

Aun started a stream shortly after you checked in for the day. Thankfully, you weren't the first. Over a hundred people were in the chatroom, a few already vying for her attention and more trickling in.

The e-darling herself was standing behind a quaint kitchen counter, which was made of wood as opposed to stone interestingly enough. She gazed inquisitively into the camera, eyes at half-mast, probably ensuring it was on and recording live, before turning to wash a couple containers of tomatoes in the sink.

It must have been an auto tracking camera, because it always kept her in the middle of the frame, regardless of where she moved in and around the kitchen.

"Hello, everyone," she said, her voice like the coo of a dove. "I hope this stream finds you in good spirits!"

When she returned to the counter again, her attention was right to chat. It was a wonder if she could really read every message with how many and how frequently they were being sent. "Me? I'm alright. My leg aches a bit today. I wish you were here to rub topical pain reliever into it, but don't worry. I'm a big girl and can take care of it myself."

Chat went wild at that. Aun let out a little huff of laughter before gently clapping her hands together once.

"I know some of you don't like me in the kitchen, what with all the sharp utensils and open flames, but I'm asking you to trust me on this. I love cooking, especially with you. Anyway, today I'm attempting to make a palatable version of Buddy's breakfast-dessert-pasta from the seasonal American classic film, Elf. It's... Gonna be a journey. To say the least."

You watched in fascination as she made chocolate pasta from scratch. Next, she moved on to a tomato coulis to coat the pasta, followed by homemade cookie butter, marshmallow fluff, and pistachio cream toppings.

All the while she did her cooking, she kept an eye on chat, diligently answering any questions as they popped up.

Once she finally assembled the dish, she picked up her fork and took a tentative bite. The look on her face. You couldn't help but giggle. She didn't spit it out, though.

"It's... Okay. Not vomit-inducing by any stretch of the imagination. I guess I'll count that as a success," she sighed. "That's it for today's stream. I'm glad I revisited this dish, especially after my first attempt, which was just recreating Buddy's breakfast exactly. Not gonna lie. I threwed up. Not this time, though! Not this time. Thank you for spending this time with me. I love you."

By the time Aun's stream ended, Gworl's was just beginning. Double the luck!

She was dressed for athleisure, wearing a set of matching leggings and sports bra. Not only that, but she appeared to be stretching. But she was still wearing a full face of make-up. You'd never heard of someone getting all dolled up to exercise.

"Ay yo! I see some fresh usernames in the chat as well as some familiar ones. I'm gonna give you guys a little show," she purred with a voracious smile and a wink, "in addition to a tutorial that you can follow along at home. Be warned, though, this dance is rather advanced. I don't do beginner shit. Without further ado, this is Sam Smith's 'Unholy,' choreographed by Redy."

You honestly thought of trying the dance yourself. God knew you could use the exercise after being cooped up for so long. That was before her initial demonstration, however. It was impressive but way too complex for you to even consider attempting. The choreography for the three-minute long song took her a little over half an hour to explain.

You were amazed that her makeup didn't move and she barely sweated even after performing twice.

There was something else you noticed, too. Despite Aun having significantly less fans than Mac and Gworl, her viewers tipped more. Huh. It made you wonder if they were mostly Protectives, the cash cows that Mac had told you about.

Oh well. It was just good for thought. You were unlikely to appeal to them. Obsessives were the most common type of yandere, followed by Possessives. If Gacha probabilities applied, you'd probably get those for the most part.

Gworl's stream ended and she closed out with a simple, "Love you! Can't wait for you to join me next time. It'll be a real treat! Promise," despite her viewers begging her not to go. You quickly clicked off of Cloud Nine after that, content to spend the rest of the day reading manga instead.

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