Chapter 58: A Tremendous Liberation

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Minutes later...

Filipino POV:

(A/N: Don't wanna use any native languages, so just stick with English as I don't wanna do any translation errors.)

The Asian teams, having finally arrived, found themselves standing in a circular room with four doors leading to the main chamber.

Behind these doors lay the stairs descending into a nightmarish chamber filled with cages upon cages of slaves.

The moment had come to breach.

"Mission command, this is Alpha and Omega Team, we are right below the chamber," reported a Filipino Navsog operator, eagerly awaiting a response.

After a tense minute, a new message crackled through the radio.

"Roger that, make your entrance through the floor, light the Saderans up like a Christmas tree, and take the slaves out of captivity," came the directive before silence enveloped the room.

The teams exchanged nods, determination etched on their faces.

"Let's make our entrance, gentlemen," the command was given, and they began strategically placing explosive charges around the concrete floor.

Saderan POV:

Meanwhile, below the concrete floor, an Imperial Centurion grew increasingly impatient.

Angrily questioning his soldiers about the lack of messages from the outside of Castle Morbus, he demanded answers.

"Why haven't they sent us a new message? What's happening outside?" he barked at his soldiers, frustration evident.

"My lord, we have no clue about their whereabouts," responded an Imperial soldier, the unease palpable.

"Perhaps, it's just a delay," another soldier attempted to make sense of the situation.

"In any case... FIND THEM!" The Centurion ordered, as the soldiers hurried towards a doorway.

The Centurion gave a angry growl, as he made his way to the center of the chamber.

The chamber was a tall cylindrical room, with the circular walls filled with numerous cages and iron bars that house their captives.

It had four floors, each having iron bars that gave their slaves shelter and a concrete balcony for each floor, one wrong move, and you'll end up plummeting down.

It is also filled with crates and barrels of food and drinks, enough to feed both the soldiers and slaves.

As the Centurion was walking in the center of the bottom floor, something fell above him.

As he looked up, he saw small pieces of concrete shaking and falling down..

He raises an eyebrow, it was strange, but then...


Pieces of concrete fell, and before he could react, debris rained down.

Pieces of concrete fell, and before he could react, debris rained down

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