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[The Shipper Kingdom]

*At The Dining Table*

King Off:"Auu... Whyyyy? This is not a joke, right?!Aiii... Mew! Tell the truth!"

King Mew:"No, Phi. Mew and I are going to divorced after Prince Ohm and Prince Nanon engagement."

King Tay:"But... A week before the engagement between Prince Ohm and Prince Nanon are your 4th Anniversary day.Are you sure, Phi?"

King Mew:"I know... That's why I'm telling you earlier so you didn't have to celebrate it. And I'm sure about this.

King New and King Gun looks at King Gulf with a pity to give King Gulf a strength that King Gulf needed and they took a slight glance at Prince Ohm. King Gulf also looked them back and smiled through the pain. While Prince Ohm was trying so hard to control his feeling about this news. Everyone in a whole silence after they heard the news and eating quietly.

*King Mew and King Gulf Anniversary Day*

This day is whole pain for Prince Ohm without Prince Nanon to care for him. King Mew and King Gulf go on a last date, King Off and King Gun are doing adoption for Prince Win, Both of Prince Nanon brothers are busy with their BF, King Tay and King New is waiting for King Singto and King Krist with Fiat and his BF arrival at the airport.... Prince Nanon have a tour at the kingdom today so Prince Ohm is alone in the castle.

Prince Ohm tries to attract himself from loneliness but he couldn't... Prince Ohm really felt alone and he didn't like the feeling of it. Prince Ohm goes to the garden to release his thought and mind at ease. After a while doing that, Prince Ohm eyes caught something that makes him feeling overwhelmed. He saw Prince Nanon already finished touring and is going to the castle.

Not even a minutes Prince Nanon stepped into the castle, Prince Ohm hugs Prince Nanon tightly that makes him lost a breath a little. "I just leave for two three hours and you already miss me? What a clingy puppy.... Paw, let me go now." Prince Nanon chuckle at Prince Ohm clingy side. "Yes, I miss you so much that I almost go crazy and talked to the flower. Alright... I miss you like crazy" Prince Ohm confess his feeling to Prince Nanon in cute tone. Both of them laughed happily in their bedroom.

*Day 1 Before The Engagement Day*

Prince Ohm and Prince Nanon need to wake up early to check the preparation for their engagement. Prince Nanon woke up first and he looked at Prince Ohm who is still in deep sleep. Prince Nanon admired Prince Ohm handsomeness and how brave Prince Ohm was to carry all of the burden given to him. Prince Nanon tries to wake Prince Ohm up but is a total failure because Prince Ohm keeps asking for more minutes until it is already half an hour. "Paw..... Wake up!!! Wake up!! I'm going to take a shower first.." Prince Nanon was so fed up with Prince Ohm behaviour.

Prince Nanon is ready to get off the bed when suddenly Prince Ohm catches Prince Nanon's hand and pulls Prince Nanon to bed. Prince Nanon who was being pulled down, fell to Prince Ohm body and looked at Prince Ohm. Both of them stared at each other's eyes for a long time. "You look so cute when you're sulking. Especially your fluffy cheeks and those dimples, Nyunyu." Prince Ohm said while caressing Prince Nanon's cheeks and kissing Prince Nanon dimples and smiled at Prince Nanon. Prince Ohm pulled his face closer to Prince Nanon and looked at Prince Nanon's lips. Prince Nanon who was panicked at the moment pulled his body off from Prince Ohm and ran straight away to the bathroom. "He's so cute. How would I stop loving him if he's this cute... Narakkkkk" Prince Ohm smiled at his thoughts and looked at the bathroom where Prince Nanon is hiding. "Are you good, Nyunyu? Want me to go shower with you?" Prince Ohm playfully teased Prince Nanon again. " better not. I'm afraid it's just not a simple shower.... Stop teasing already.. I'm getting showered." Prince Nanon said in the bathroom to Prince Ohm. "Whyyy.... Are you blushing?? You're quiet.. That means you are.." Prince Ohm could not stop teasing Prince Nanon coz Prince Nanon reaction was cute. Prince Nanon was flustered by the question and opened the shower to stop Prince Ohm from teasing him again.

That day, it was going really smoothly. The preparation for tomorrow has already been done. And the theme, green and red chosen by Prince Ohm and Prince Nanon themselves are already informed to the Royal family. Everyone is delighted for the engagement tomorrow.

*The Engagement Day*

The castle is full of laughter by the royal family who have been invited to this royal engagement. The throne was sit by the future of The Shipper Kingdom. It will become The Buddyness Kingdom once the throne is given by King Mew to Prince Ohm. No one could be happier to see these two grooms sitting on the groom's throne next to the king throne.

The Engagement starts at 1.00 pm and ends by 6.00 pm. The whole 6 hours was filled with happiness from the royal family,The Royal Family of The Gifted Kingdom, The Royal Family of The Not Me Kingdom and The Royal Family of The Sotus Kingdom.

*8.00 pm*

Finally the time has come, the time for the throne became the Prince Ohm throne. The time for the ruler of The Shipper Kingdom changed, the time when The Shipper Kingdom became The Buddyness Kingdom. Everyone was waiting for this time.

"Me, King Mew of The Shipper Kingdom announce to you that this throne will be taken by.... my son,Prince Mike and his beloved BF,Prince Toptap from The Sink Kingdom.From now on, this kingdom will be called The Sink Kingdom and your King is Mike and Toptap" King Mew announce it with a mischievous grin, feeling happy with his chess game."Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat!!! What are you playing now?!!! This is why you always leave the castle. To make them the new king,there are two kids!! WTH is wrong with you!!" King Gulf releases his anger to King Mew who is happy to see the reaction of the two grooms sitting in the groom throne.

Prince Ohm and Prince Nanon were flabbergasted by the announcement, as were the whole royal family members." Dad... What is going on? And who are these two kids?!!" Prince Ohm asked King Mew for the explanation. King Off also added "Aii Mew..... What are you doing?! You're embarrassing the whole royal family." King Tay was very furious that he believes all King Mew words but now he lost everything, he lost his kingdom because he signed the paper that King Mew sent to him about the kingdom and will be given to Prince Ohm but eventually it was fake. The paper was actually for giving his kingdom to become King Mew alone. "You betrayed me!!! I trusted you! You told me it was for Prince Ohm but it was for these two kids!!" King Tay was feeling very angry at King Mew, King Gulf and Prince Ohm but he sees that King Gulf and Prince Ohm reaction that means this whole plan was made by King Mew alone." Yes, I did. But I didn't know you would be so dumb to trust me. And you, Gulf... I divorce you now!! You are no longer the king and Prince Ohm, Prince Win.. You're not my son anymore. I'll cut ties with you!" King Mew said like it was all followed by the plan.

Everyone in the castle hall was shocked by the saying and turns to the two grooms. King Gun who was aware that Prince Win was in the hall, takes Prince Win to stroll around the garden followed by King Off after he said this to King Mew "I never knew you are this evil... I may be a red flag but I never cut ties with anyone like you did. You will suffer alone!!" King Tay who was still furious is being calmed down by King New and both of them leave the castle. "All of them are gone... When are you gonna go? I will make the maids take your clothes out if you want..And congrats to both of you" King Mew arrogantly says to King Gulf, Prince Ohm and Prince Nanon with laughter. King Gulf who was very angry slapped the arrogant king then told Prince Ohm and Prince Nanon to get out of the castle while saying this to King Mew "You are really an assh**e!! A bi**h, IPRETTTTTTTT!!!!!!" Along with that, all of the royal family get out of the castle immediately.

[The Not Me Kingdom]

All of the royal family gathered at The Not Me King as it was the closest Kingdom. "I've never thought that he will be this evil... BTW Thank you for letting us stay here for a while." King Gulf lets go of his thought and thanks King Off for letting him and Prince Ohm stay at The Not Me Kingdom for a while. "It's're still our family. This castle will always be welcome you." King Gun answer. "Aaaa... How is Win doing? Is he alright?" King Gulf asks for his son. "Ohh... He's fine. He's a good boy...."King Off answered the King Gulf question."Tay.. Are you okay?" King Singto also asked the question as he looked at King Tay who seemed miserable. King New also looked at King Tay, he knew what was going on at King Tay head. "I feel betrayed. I should have never trusted him in the first place. Now I have lost my beloved Kingdom." King Tay talked openly about his feelings making the others feel pity for him. All the princes including their BF feel the tension in the Shipper a.k.a Sink castle earlier but never interrupt. As a result all of the princes gather at the castle library with their BF. While the elders are at the small hall in the castle.

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