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[The Not Me Kingdom]

Everyone in the palace woke up when they heard a thud. It sounded like something had happened inside the palace. Prince Ohm and Nanon's sleep was also disturbed by the sound.

Prince Ohm: "What's that sound, papa?"

King Gulf: "Papa doesn't know you want to go see? Maybe something happened in the palace."

Prince Ohm: "hmmm...okay"

Prince Nanon: "I don't feel good, pawpaw.. should we go? I'm scared"

Prince Ohm: "it's okay...let's go see"

King Gulf also came out of the room to see what happened followed by the two princes, Ohm and Nanon.

How surprised they were when they saw the whole body lying lifeless. They looked more closely at the lying man. They moved slowly past the line of guards.

When he got close to the body, Gulf sat in shock. As well as Ohm who saw the whole body after his father. Gulf roared in sorrow.

All the other courtiers looked at the situation with sad hearts. They all arrived in a hurry after hearing Gulf's roar. The situation in front of them is very distressing to them. Losing a loved one is as painful as facing death. No matter how bad the person is, he will still be loved with all his heart. Not to mention, the person who is always by your side when it's hard or when it's good.

King Off : " Gun, New.. I think you need to give him strength. He seems unstable "

King Gun : " Okay..papii "

Tay : " Pity him...he has just recovered from his illness and now has to bear the pain of losing his loved one. Out of the crocodile's mouth, into the tiger's mouth. "

King Singto : " What do you want to do now, phi? The situation is getting out of control "

King Krist: " We can't continue our plan in this situation. It will make the situation worse "

Tay: " I'm stuck too "

King Off : " What do you say like this .... Let's let this plan stop temporarily until the situation gets better. Let Gulf and Ohm be calmer. "

King Tay : " Daii "

King Singto : " Princes.... Please take care of Prince Ohm. He is still shocked. About King Gulf, we will take care of it. "

All : " Daiii khap "

King Krist : " ohhh ku leum ! The Queens and Princess, you can help others too. "

King Tay : " ohhh ... I almost forgot about them "

Queen Milk : * roll her eyes *

The castle guards is given a job to take care of the body with the help from the queens and princess. They dispersed to do the work that had been given to them.

[The Sinked Kingdom]

Clash ! Crang !
The sound of things break ring in the castle. It was coming from King Mew's room but the person inside was Maid Prim, Maid Prigkhing, Maid Film, Maid Prom, Maid Captain, Prince Mike and Prince Toptap. King Mew was nowhere to be seen in the room. Maid Prim screamed in rage making his accomplice stood still in their position. Not wanting to stop Maid Prim from her rage.

Maid Prim : " I give you a simple task but you still fu***ng fail to do it. You're useless junk "

Maid Prom : " je, take it easy. Maybe they have a reason. "

Maid Captain : " chaii je ! Take it easy na "

Maid Prim : " I swear if your reason is unacceptable. I'll kill all of you !! "

Maid Prigkhing : " Both of you ! Tell us your reason "

Maid Film : " How could he easily pass you guys ? "

Prince Toptap : " Uhhh.... Mike, you said it "

Prince Mike :  " Huh !!? Ku ??!? Mai aow ! "

Maid Prom : " Aii sutt !!! Faster !!! How ?!!!! "

Prince Toptap : " We were beating him at the backyard then we stopped because he seems to be dying and die at any moment. So we left him there "

Prince Mike : " But we didn't knew that he still manage to walked all away to The Not Me Kingdom because of his....his...his..... "

Maid Captain : " His what ??!!!?? "

Maid Film : " Power "

* Everyone looks at Maid Film after she said that *

Maid Prigkhing : " Huh ??!!!?? "

Maid Prom : " I didn't understand anything "

Maid Film : " When someone body who has power is dying, they eventually change to their mode to help staying alive longer than it supposed to. But.... It is still on the verge of death and the mode still lingering around for a few days before disappearing. "

Maid Captain : " Do both of you knew this ? "

Prince Mike : " We knew "

Prince Toptap : " We though that he already change to his mode. That's why we left him. "

Maid Prim : " You knew but you still leave him unattended !!! You and your dumb though almost getting us killed !!!! I'll kill you !!!!!!!! "

Prince Mike and Prince Toptap immediately ran away before Maid Prim could do anything. Maid Prim rage wasn't easy to deal with. If she said A, then it's A but if it's B, then it's B. Maid Prim anger could be heard across the castle with Maid Prigkhing and Maid Captain trying to stop him. Maid Film and Maid Prom just stood still in their places, not wanting to help anybody.

It's not a good thing that now King Mew deceased are in The Not Me Kingdom. In any moment, their plan could been destroyed because King Mew holds the most important information of their plan. From now on, Maid Prim should be very careful with her plans and her two accomplice in The Not Me Kingdom should've done their job before the worst scenarios happened.

Maid Prim : " * calm down for a little * What about ------ and --- ? Any updates , Film ? "

Maid Film : " Maii kha. I think they're working on it "

Maid Prim : " I hope it is. This can't be even worse "

Maid Film : " Daii kha ! I'll inform them "

Maid Prim : " Umm... Prigkhing, what about our next plan ? Do you think we could fast forward it ? We're running out of time "

Maid Prigkhing : " I think we could skip some parts and straight to plan B "

Maid Prim : " That's great . The royals... Get ready to be turned down. You're really getting on my nerves "

Pang !
Maid Prom and Maid Captain are playing in the kitchen. The whole kitchen is in a mess because of them. They were running  and joking using a damn cooking pan.

Maid Prim : " * sigh * What did I do to deserve this crackhead ? "

Maid Prigkhing : " A pan ??! "

Maid Film : " Well it's better than a knife "

* Both Maid Prim and Maid Prigkhing look at Maid Film with unbelievable faces *

Maid Captain : " * hit Maid Prom with a pan * Is it hurt ? 555 "

Maid Prom : " Aii sutt !! Chep woyy !! Come here !!!!  * running chasing after Maid Captain with a pan that's changed owner * "

Maid Film : " I was stating a fact. "

( A/N Sorry to keep you waiting. Actually I was thinking to stop this book because I don't know how to extend this longer but the idea still stuck in my head. That's why I rarely publish the chapter. But I'll kept writing if I have any ideas so it didn't become a cliffhanger. I know you guys hate cliffhanger because I do 555 Thank you for supporting me and check out my other books too )

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 19 ⏰

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