chapter 22

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Distrubing content ahaed in the chapter ,please don't read if you are uncomfortable and again this is a fiction work of pure  imagination,no one and nothing from reality is related to this .


Author's pov for Aatika

Your back hit the door behind you when he pinned you against it . You both have reached at home within 20 minutes while the distance finishes within an hour. Oh God He doesn't ride,he flies the car .

In next moment you found yourself completely naked under his bare body and the viagara  effect lasted more than night when he didn't even get a break neither let you to take a. He took you again and again and you released over and over . You didn't know when he stopped as you passed out due to his hard and deep taking of you. Every part of you aching with outmost pain but you didn't stop him .

Aatik's pov

Next morning i got up from my sleep and felt immense pain in my bones that's when i remembered about last night , he wasn't in his senses at all ,,,the way he was too rough yet smooth with me i couldn't even think to stop him whole night despite of sore Down thoughts interpreted while phone that is given by him buzzed indicating a text message got deliver to the device. I opened the text and the words written in made me confused and eager at the same time.

From ved : in the basement right now.

He never allowed me to go there when i always have curiosity to see what's inside that's it is forbidden spot of the house for me and finally I'm going to go there with his permission ,this made me excite and i immediately get off the bed and left the room . The house is big i mean very big that it took me almost 10 minutes to reach in front of basement door that is always locked but now only one push away to be wide open .

But the stench of fresh blood and flesh made my stomach turned terribly and my both hands instantly covered my mouth and nose to prevent me from throwing up that is in the way of of throat and to avoid the inhaling of stenchy air in huge amount.

But my soul left my body witnessing the scenario in front of me . A tall and mascular man was tied up on a chair while his clothes were torned almost from every spot . His cream coloured shirt was drenching with thick and fresh blood and pool of red paste of internal flesh veins and tongue may be dripping out of his mouth . That's it i couldn't take it anymore and thrown up all out from my body . My throat and mouth filled with sourness . I didn't had anything thick to vomit as I didn't have breakfast yet but the scene in front of my eyes made my stomach this much disturb that it was pushing itself out of my throat and my saliva was coming out from it in the name of vomitting.

"Are you done doctor....""

His voice made me startled at my place and i turned my head around to see him sitting on the other chair in the corner which I didn't noticed before due to darkness in the room or may be the scenario that came first in my view didn't let me see and think anymore.

" is this..and what's going...on"

Although some corners of my mind know the reality already but the shaking voice of me couldn't help but left my lips and sounded more like a whisper.

Ved stood up and started to get closer while his postures and expressions are normal like for real normal . He was like he isn't seeing anything or may be seeing anything but isn't effecting him even a little. He was gulping and breathing in this stenchy atmosphere while I was counting mine one.

"He is Reven ,,the one who drugged me last night..and you know for what doctor...?"

He spoke while tilting his head towards almost lifeless body that was tied up on the chair. I was too numb to say anything that I ended up being silent.

"Because he wanted to have you.....can you believe he wanted to have you..?? Despite of knowing that you are mine he still dared to mess with me... So he is here."

He finished his words with a dark and psyco chuckled which made me quiver.

At this point I have understood what is going to happen with  Reven but still hoping for his life.

".. have already beaten him up a lot and he got his lesson so let's go now leave him hmm..... '

I tried to grab his arm to make him out of the basement but he didn't even move an inch.

"Grab a bottle..."

He spoke simply without any expression on his face while pointing towards a slab in the corner which were filled with different light colored watery Liquids and by first sight I got that these are the strongest and hazardous acids which are forbidden for normal people. only scientists or some factories are allowed to use that's too under outmost care. Sulfuric,hydrofluoric and many more.


"Fast doctor..."

He raised his voice made you flinch. With shaky breath and quivering body you reached for the the skin  carrosive and only it's thought made your blood frozen . With trembling hands you handed the liquid to him and in the matter of seconds he emptied the bottle on the already bleeding person who screamed top of his lungs with last ounch of his energy and you became a frozen person there . Black dots began to appear in front of your eyesight making everything blur around you and finally you lost your consciousness and before your body can touch the hard surface of floor two strong arms cought you and you know very well who is this.

"The merciless devil himself"


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