Orchids And Salk Mannor

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Fragments of time
Chapter 11
Part 1

(Bushra Cyed;)

Sad realizations : past memories of someone as precious;

(Bushra is a trainee, a recruit at the forensic department after Indra. She was also a recruit same as her in aspects of getting her training and recommendations from Quinton.

Bushra was an assistant to Indra who was an assistant to Quinton. Indirectly the girls had worked for Quinton.

She was an Indian and Bushra was a Turkish-born who migrated alone and settled in America for the sole reason of studying and having a job in a place like this.

Indra was missing and so could Bushra feel it but her busy days could never leave her with sufficient time. After all, she had always regarded Indra as her friend and elder sister, but her busy days were like a distraction in the middle;)

On a working day, Bushra directly accompanied and assisted Quinton today. She was analyzing while she bent herself extensively forward in her labcoat today. Her hair colour that were darker brunette-like chocolate fell all over the lab counter while she analyzed the sample through the microscope. Her eyes were hazel ash just as pure and beautiful full moon.

Sooner but Bushra was all mingled with the business of work these days. Her life was built up with a lot of work and out of her casual business she was also called in by Quinton for the fourth time today to assist her while she was working on something different.

"Bushra, don't get me wrong today. Just show up kindly whenever I call you these days. Are you getting my reason too?

I have been bombarded with work and it was usual for me but I feel it a lot these days. You know me I am punctual and hardworking after all I was your teacher back then who also recommended you for this day.

My fear is to lag behind like this in my life;"

Bushra could not properly answer to the lady when she called her out of necessity. She was busy with her work with analysis but Quinton wanted her around so she gestured with her a small nod somewhere from behind.

Bushra was neither left with an option at the stake of time, she politely but soundly rushed to assist Quinton on her call for help.

When Bushra looked at Quinton's face, she was not her usual these days. She had a frowning expression taking over her face and with her exhausted lowered voice she utters,

"Ever since she stopped coming, my work started to lag. Don't catch me in the wrong way Bushra. You are as good but you are still less experienced when comes to her experience with me."

Bushra continued with her statements reply after hearing to Quinton patiently,

"Ma'am, you should've enquired about her absence, maybe then you might have been at peace than how restless you feel these days."

"I was unable to Bushra. The schedule has been too severe for me at both work and home. I was barely left with time to do activities as these;"

Quinton made herself all clear with her expression and Bushra could agree with her statement too. She was also in a dire state of finding out the reason for her absence but was again stopped by the lack of time these days.

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